
Two new teaching clusters can start working in Almaty

- City of Almaty
11209 просмотров

Implementation of joint projects was proposed by the Chamber of Crafts of the city of Trier

Creation of industry clusters on educational training, retraining, advanced training and certification of personnel for the enterprises of light industry, printing and publishing houses will allow to change the situation with the lack of personnel in these sectors. The plans of RCE of Almaty is to establish a link between industry enterprises and educational institutions (Treasury, KazNTU, ATU, Almaty college of new technologies, Almaty College of service, Almaty College of Printing).

The idea was voiced by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty during the discussion of the partnership project in the field of vocational education with the Chamber of Crafts of the city of Trier. Selection of a strategic partner is not an accident. A joint Kazakh-German project in the field of technical and vocational education and dual education with NCE RK "Atameken" is being successfully implemented for the second year in a row. During this collaboration there were created two training cluster in Almaty. By the results of the pilot project, the approach to the issue of staffing with specialists of interior design and specialists for the tourism and hospitality industry has changed.

"There has been done extensive work, which involved representatives of the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Tourist Association, Kazakhstan Association of Hotels and Restaurants, Department of Education of Almaty, teachers and students of KazGASA, KazNTU, Almaty Construction and Technical College, a multi-profile College of Almaty, Almaty College of Construction and Management, the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, Almaty College of service, College of tourism and hospitality industry. This allowed a qualitative update the content of vocational education, educational standards, to improve the skills of teachers and coaches. In general, the first stage of the dual education system has been successful and will continue to roll out", - summed up the head of the department of human capital development of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Vera Tsing.

Within the frames of the joint project participants of the seminar remember the President of the Chamber of Crafts of Trier Rudolf Müller, who presented a master-class on production of ecological furniture for teachers, trainers and tutors of specialized colleges and enterprises. In addition, an expert group from Kazakhstan got familiarized with the system of certification of students in Germany. Currently, work is underway to create an effective model for testing of students and independent certification of graduates, industry professionals based on the experience of Germany.

The initiative for opening of new educational clusters is currently under consideration and discussion. Meanwhile, RCE of Almaty continues cooperation on the implementation of the standards of dual education with German colleagues. It is worth noting the experience of Germany in the preparation of technical experts is considered one of the most advanced in the world.

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