
A stake was put on domestic tourism

- City of Almaty
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Courses for tour guides were organized at the site of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty

Highly skilled professionals for the development of domestic tourism will be prepared in Almaty. As practice shows, the acute shortage of qualified guides and tour guides, instructors is observed in the industry. The problem is particularly acute for Almaty, which has the highest number of tourists and recreational potential.

"You can develop all kinds of sports tourism: mountaineering, hiking, skiing, water, cycling. Special demand in extreme tours can be observed in recent years: a massive mountain climbing, abseiling from the top of skiing, ballooning. Rural tourism develops in the area of Kolsai Lakes and Lake Kaindy, Lake Issyk, Talgar gorge. And here we are faced with two problems. First is the language barrier: for example, the group came from Iran, and we have no guide, who can speak Farsi. The same can be attributed to the Arabic, Chinese, Spanish and other languages. The second problem is the lack of proper qualification of hiking instructors. Today it is more enthusiastic, although by the requirements the mountain guides must be at least masters of sport", - shared Assel Nurkebaeva, president of the Association of Tourist Agencies of Kazakhstan (ATAK).

As it was noted by the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov, big attention is paid today to the development of domestic tourism. "With the weakening of the national currency, the average resident of Kazakhstan can hardly afford a vacation abroad, worth 400-500 thousand tenge. Most likely, it will increase domestic tours in Kazakhstan. And the influx of foreign tourists in Almaty on statistics is growing every year. It is time for the active development of domestic tourism, the crisis itself, paradoxically, provides such opportunities. From this perspective, the issue of shortage of professional personnel may adversely affect the entire industry. Therefore, we decided to give premises to RCE of Almaty to organize courses to improve the skills of specialists in tourism ", - said Yuri Tleumuratov.

"I would also like to organize tourism activities included in the list of "Damu" Fund NCEA code. One of our partners, the owner of the hotel chains in Turkey is interested in the construction of a luxury hotel in Almaty. And participation in government business development programs, he said, would provide additional guarantees and benefits to business ", - added Asel Nurkebaeva.

Among other problems of the industry was listed impossibility of organizing school tours from Almaty region to Almaty due to their high cost, the lack of restaurants with national color and show program with songs, dances, performances, revealing the history and culture of the Kazakh people. Foreigners also complain on the lack of night Eastern Bazaar in Almaty - the Single Market to trade national souvenirs, handicrafts potters, weavers, sculptors, painters (as a rule, during the day business guests don’t have time).

The recommendations and suggestions of the Association of Travel Agencies of Kazakhstan on the development of the tourism industry will be discussed with representatives of relevant government agencies and departments and the business community.

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