
Beauty salon will be launched!

- Atyrau Region
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A businesswoman had to wait almost a year for the decision to change the functional purpose of the object

After an appeal of Gulyaim Kuandykova to the Chamber of entrepreneurs, the issue was positively resolved within two months.

A businesswoman bought an apartment in the city of Atyrau in order to start business. In 2014, she went to the city department of land relations with the request to change the functional purpose of an apartment to a beauty salon. In November 2015, tired of waiting for a response from the public agency, Kuandykova addressed to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region with a request to render assistance in solving the problem.

"I would like to express my gratitude to the Chamber for the implementation of such an important mission as the assistance and protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. After facing an administrative obstacle, I have lost almost a year with paperwork. Only an appeal to the Chamber moved the case off the ground. Lawyers of the legal department, having listened carefully to the problem, resolved to issue in the shortest possible time. I want to thank them for their professionalism. We wish the Chamber of entrepreneurs to continue the work of business support, serve as a bridge between entrepreneurs and state bodies", - wrote in hrs letter to the Chamber Gulyaim Kuandykova.

It is worth noting that upon application of an entrepreneur to the Chamber, RCE continued the work together with the Akimat of Atyrau, as a result of which Gulyaim Kuandykova received permission to change the functional purpose of the premises.

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