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NCE clarifies the requirements for registration of vehicles

Under current law, for registration of a vehicle with the administrative police, car owners must have documents, confirming compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On Safety of Wheeled Vehicles".

Such documents are:

1) approval of the type of a vehicle (ATV).

For the conduction of the procedure of approval of the type an applicant must contact the accredited certification bodies.

The presence of the approval of a vehicle type is a prerequisite for sale of motor vehicles in the territory of the EAEU.

Presentation of this approval is required for:

- During state registration of vehicles by legal entities, for vehicles, which have been imported from countries that are not members of the Customs Union / Eurasian Economic Union, provided that less than three years passed from the date of manufacture of the vehicle;

- During state registration of new vehicles of legal entities and individuals, which were imported from the countries-members of the Customs Union / Eurasian Economic Union.

In accordance with the requirements of Customs Regulations of CU 018/2011, the applicant during the approval of imported vehicles to the single customs territory of the Customs Union can be the manufacturer, or a representative of the manufacturer, with the authority of the manufacturer to assess compliance of its products with technical regulations.

In this regard, the purchase of new vehicles by legal entities and individuals is recommended only from the manufacturer's representative (authorized distributor or dealer) on a single economic territory of the EAEU. Since in order to ensure the safety of the vehicle, the manufacturer's representative shall be jointly and severally liable with the manufacturer for non-conformity of vehicles with the established requirements and presence of ATV.

2) certificate on safety of a vehicle’s design, which is issued at an accredited testing laboratory, included in the Unified Register of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) of the Customs Union

An applicant for a certificate of safety of the vehicle structure can be a manufacturer or his authorized representative, acting on his behalf, any person who carries out the import of the vehicle to the single customs territory of the Customs Union, or his representative.

This document is required only in the following cases:

- The state registration of vehicles by physical persons, for vehicles that were imported into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for their own needs;

- The state registration of vehicles by legal entities, for vehicles that were imported into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, previously involved in the road traffic in the countries which are not members of CU/ EAEU, provided that more than three years passed from the date of manufacture of a vehicle.

In the implementation of activities related to circulation (import, sale) of vehicles, be guided by the following documents:

1. Technical regulation of the Customs Union "On Safety of Wheeled Vehicles"

2. The algorithm of the approval of a type of a vehicle

3. Schemes of release in the circulation of vehicles placed on the official website of RSE "Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification"

4. Algorithm for the assessment of compliance of the components

5. The list of testing laboratories and conformity assessment bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan accredited to perform work on conformity assessment in accordance with the requirements of CR of CU 018/2011

6. Web service on a single register of issued certificates and relevant approvals for vehicles (CR of CU 018/2011)

7. Unified Register of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) of the EAEU

8. A list of official dealers / distribution centers, selling transport on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Chart of import of wheeled vehicles on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan can be found here

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