
Thank you for "Rakhmet"!

- North-Kazakhstan Region
10253 просмотров

A new facility was launched with the support of the branch of RCE

Marina Turkevich got engaged in business in 2001. Within a few years, having accumulated the necessary funds, she has built and commissioned her own grocery store "Amur", which is very popular among the residents of the district center.

Business developed successfully, which made it possible to accumulate funds for the construction of a new store "Rakhmet" that meets all modern requirements.

During preparation of documents for the newly constructed object there appeared problems with the land in terms of demarcation of the boundaries of the land plot, which was allocated for construction and maintenance of the store. M. Turkevich addressed to the branch of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs with a problematic issue. Manager-consultant Aktorgay Adilova held a consultation, and provided practical assistance in obtaining documents both for the land plot and the store itself. Thus, the branch helped to prepare the package of necessary documents, thanks to which violations over the boundaries of the land plot have been eliminated and changes to the contract on sale of a land plot were made.

As a result of skilled assistance, the government agencies did not have any grounds to refuse the individual entrepreneur. Today, M.Turkevich has the state act for a land plot and technical passport for real estate. Residents Novoishimka happily supported the news about solution of the problem of Marina Turkevich, as she is actively involved in social issues and enjoys well-deserved respect among the villagers. Athletes participate in competitions with her support, she provides assistance to students from poor families, she does not neglect the veterans. Residents of the village Novoishimska are pleased with the opening of a new luxury grocery store "Rakhmet". It should be noted that 5 permanent jobs have been created with the opening of the new facility.

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