
Service support: all inclusive

- Karaganda Region
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Businesses saved almost 200 million tenge through service support rendered by RCE

"New branches opened across the region - in regional centers and cities, we have hired professionals who have advised and accompanied SME projects. For example, 211 SMEs received services of accounting and tax accounting, submission of tax and statistical reports. The average market price of such services is 30 000 tenge per month. Thus, in the second half of 2015 entrepreneurs saved more than 37 million tenge only within this direction. That is, entrepreneurs, saved money and were able to send money on their own development", - says the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region Madeniet Bozhbanov.

Service support is aimed at improving the system of enterprise management, improving its efficiency and includes 8 kinds of free specialized services for small and medium-sized enterprises. 93 million tenge was allocated from the republican budget to provide service support to entrepreneurs of Karaganda region.

Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region began providing these services since June 2015. In total there were provided services in the amount of nearly 200 million tenge. The most popular marketing service is compliance of a business plan.

Total information

In total almost 4000 services were received by 2474 subjects of small and medium-sized businesses, including IE - 1712, LLPs - 500, peasant farms - 258, JSCs - 2, PC - 2. That is, 97.7% of services were provided to small businesses.

The entrepreneurs who needed consultation were entrepreneurs engaged in wholesale and retail - 1060 (42.8%), agriculture, forestry and fisheries - 347 (14%) and processing industry 267 (10.7%).

Approximate portrait of consumers of services

More than 70% clients who received services are people of working age (17 to 49 years), and 12% - people close to retirement age. Most of the customers were men - 1292 (52.2%). Most of the services were rendered in Karaganda - 1075 SMEs.

The economic effect from the rendered services

Within the framework of support for customs issues 7 subjects of SMEs received assistance of import of goods from foreign countries and from the countries of the Customs Union in the amount of more than 30 million tenge.

There was approved funding for 34 projects worth in total 928 567 450 tenge, which is 18.4% of the total number of developed business plans in the amount of 185 units.

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