
Problematic issues of domestic business can be solved

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Chairmanship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council will lead to a new level this integration association

In 2016, the Republic of Kazakhstan was selected as the chair of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

In this regard, on 10th of February this year, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev as the Chairman of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council addressed to the heads of member states of the Eurasian Economic Union:

"Eurasian Economic Union is an important integration association, promoting the creation of a stable environment for economic development and new opportunities for the well-being of citizens.

We see the Eurasian Economic Union as an open economic community, organically integrated into the global economic system as a reliable bridge between Europe and increasing Asia.

In the light of slowing global growth, efforts of our countries in the development of economic integration, the creation of a common market of goods, services, capital and labor can be a key source of economic diversification and growth. Expansion of trade and economic relations with key partners and new growth markets should be an impetus for strengthening of the role of the Eurasian Economic Union at the continent.

An important fact in this regard is simultaneous establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union and the initiative for the construction of the Economic Belt - Silk Road, the deepening of cooperation with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the European Union. In this regard, 2016 should be the start of practical work on the creation of long-term free trade zones in the member-states of the Union and the SCO.

I propose to declare 2016 the "Year of deepening the Union's economic relations with third countries and key integration associations".

Our Governments in close cooperation with the Commission should work out these issues with our key partners and resolve them to the benefit of all.

I am firmly convinced of the need to work on strengthening of the competitiveness of our economies in the world economy, improving the business climate and increasing the investment attractiveness.

In this area, it is important to improve the customs control in the Customs Code of the Union, which is being considered  today, the simplification of customs administration arrangements for the participants of foreign economic activity, creation and implementation of mechanisms of "single window" in the export-import operations.

It is important to use the tools of customs-tariff and technical regulation to promote diversification of the economies of the Union, with full compliance to the rules of the World Trade Organization.

We believe that it is crucial to establish cooperation in the sphere of sanitary, veterinary and phytosanitary control.

In order to ensure free movement of energy resources, implementation of the export potential of our countries, I propose to step up adoption and implementation of the programs on formation of common electricity, oil and oil products and gas markets.

Kazakhstan attaches great importance to the formation of the general financial market in the Union. In this connection, I consider it necessary to prepare in 2016 a legal framework necessary for the harmonization of the legislation of the countries in the financial sector.

It is quite significant to ensure compliance with one of the basic principles of the Union - the functioning of the single market without exemptions and restrictions after the end of the transitional periods. Any measures that Member States apply on their own in relation to third countries, should not have a negative impact on the other participants of the integration process, including with regard to ensuring freedom of transit of goods through the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Confirming the intention of Kazakhstan under the chairmanship in the Union to promote the strengthening of economic cooperation and equal partnership between the two countries, the President expressed hope for the support of Kazakhstan's initiatives by the partner countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.

I am convinced that the implementation of the defined principles of the Union's will serve as a powerful impetus for the further dynamic development of our Union".

The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in his speech proposed to declare 2016 the "The year of deepening economic relations of the EAEU with third countries".

According to Acting Vice-Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Dana Zhunusova, the presidency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016 in the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council will lead to a new level of development of this integration association. "NCE RK has repeatedly stressed that the Eurasian integration should be aimed primarily at improving the business environment and the development of the economic potential of the country as a whole", - she noted.

To this end, at the initiative of NCE RK in 2015 was created the Business Council of EAEU, which brings together leading business communities of the Member States of the Union, in order to develop common approaches to address the pressing problems of entrepreneurs and consolidated submission of them for review to the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Member States of EAEU.

Dana Zhunusova also noted that under the provisions of the Agreement on the Business Council, the Presidium of this platform is headed by the head of the business community of the Union of the Member State, whose representative presides over the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in the current year.

"Taking into account the main objectives and directions voiced by the head of state in his address, it is necessary to focus on issues that are of key and paramount importance to the business community. Thus, by far the most painful is the issue of freedom of transit of goods through the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union. We hope that all the problems of business of the Member States and, in particular, for entrepreneurs of our country will be resolved positively in the year under Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council ", - said Acting deputy chairman of NCE.

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