
Proposals of the Ministry of National Economy on advertising will creates problems for business

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According to the amendments to the legislation, the regional government bodies will establish the order of placement of outdoor advertising

Due to imperfection of the legislation, the advertising business experiences serious problems, most of which are solved by NCE RK "Atameken". The Ministry of National Economy of RK was appointed as authorized body on these matters in 2015, in close collaboration with which most of the problems were resolved.

Meanwhile, it was noted by the director of the Department of public monitoring and work with the administrative barriers NCE RK Erbol Ustemirov, that individual proposals of the Ministry create significant problems for entrepreneurs. So, within the framework of the prepared draft law on amendments to the law of RK "On Advertising", the authorized agency proposes to give to local administrations the right to develop and to approve the procedure for placement of outdoor advertising in the settlements, as well as objects that are not related to outdoor advertising.

"Given that Kazakhstan is a unitary state, it has a single legal system, thus establishment of different rules on advertising in certain areas, in our view, is unacceptable", - said Ustemirov.

Such precedents already exist today. So, maslikhats of Almaty and South Kazakhstan region stipulate rules and additional requirements to advertising objects, thus, causing an outrage on the part of entrepreneurs, as it virtually deprives them of the opportunity to build and to grow their business.

The representative of NCE RK reminded that earlier there were cases, when maslikhats were given the authority to set their own rules for territorial development. Analysis of this practice has shown that this creates administrative barriers for citizens and entrepreneurs. After long discussions, the same body of the Ministry of Economy, agreed to suggestion of NCE RK "Atameken", initiated changes in legislation regarding the development and adoption of uniform rules of organization of construction and passage of licensing procedures in the construction industry for the whole country. The authority of Maslikhats on  development of regional rules was eliminated.

We hope that the above mentioned  initiative to establish "specific" rules of the territorial placement of advertising objects will not be implemented. NCE RK "Atameken" will defend this position on establishment of uniform requirements for all regions.

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