
Business ladies will have the opportunity to work with “EXPO-2017”

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International Organization “EXPO & Women” and NCE RK "Atameken" will hold a competition among women entrepreneurs
In Kazakhstan, on the basis of competition for the President Prize "Altyn Sapa" will be held a competition among enterprises headed by women. Winners will receive a mark of quality “Recommended for EXPO”.
"We were looking for an opportunity of cooperation is with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, which has great experience in conduction of major competitions such as "Altyn Sapa", the "Best Product of Kazakhstan". So we turned to NCE regarding the opportunity to work with the contestants who took part in these competitions. We are pleased that our proposal was supported", - said the director of “EXPO & Women” Saltanat Rakhimbekova.
She noted that the social organization and the Department of Social and Labor Relations of NCE RK "Atameken" have started the work. "We carry out the selection among the participants of the competitions "Altyn Sapa" and "Best Product of Kazakhstan" from the last year, stopping at those enterprises whose products may be required during “EXPO”. There will operate shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, so the enterprises that can deliver food, industrial products are fit for us. We will offer the selected companies to participate in the competition. By 8th of March, we plan to hold a ceremony "Recommended for EXPO”, - said Rakhimbekova.
"I think it's one more reason to participate in the competition "Altyn Sapa" and "Best Product of Kazakhstan". Form now on, participating in two competitions, you will automatically participate in an additional two: in parallel with "Altyn Sapa" and "Best Product of Kazakhstan" in the contests "Іsker" and "Recommended for EXPO".

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