
Rest without risk for life

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NCE RK jointly with MID RK is developing a System of guaranteeing the rights of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of outbound tourism
Issues of insurance of civil liability of tour operators and travel agents were discussed at the first meeting of the working group, held at the national chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" with the participation of regional chambers of entrepreneurs, government agencies, tour operators, travel agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the Association of insurers of Kazakhstan, Association of financiers of Kazakhstan and other interested market participants.
According to participants, today there was an urgent need for the resumption of the insurance of the players of the tourist market.

On the eve of the summer travel season, we have a situation when almost 70% of the enties of the tourist market can't operate because of a lack of contracts of compulsory insurance of civil liability of tour operators and travel agents.
During 2015, the Secretariat of the Committee of tourism industry of NCE RK "Atameken" together with the Department of tourism industry of the Ministry of investment and development of Kazakhstan has developed a System for guaranteeing rights of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of tourism, to ensure that financial instruments and to reduce risks of insurance companies.
As it was reported by the head of the Department of tourism of the Ministry of investment and development of Kazakhstan Asylkhan Esilov, the system has already been launched. According to him, introduction of such system will allow to respond quickly to emergency situations on the tourist market. He also added that on 28th of February will start a competition that will allow you to choose the administrator of the system, which guarantees the rights of citizens in the sphere of outbound tourism.

Meanwhile, domestic tour operators themselves are concerned about how they will work in the legal field. Insurance companies, in turn, calculate the involved risks.
However, there are advantages of introduction of the system of guaranteeing the rights of citizens and, apparently, the insurance company will renew the insurance of travel agents and tour operators.

The participants of the working group agreed that the System of guaranteeing the rights of citizens responds to the interests of the insurance and tourist markets and aims to solve the current situation with insurance of the third party liability of tour operators and travel agents, reducing the risks of insurers and protecting the rights of citizens traveling abroad.

There was made a proposal: to give the opportunity to carry out insurance to foreign partners, for example, from Russia, China and Hong Kong, which will allow to develop the market in a competitive environment.
The director of the travel Agency "Elite Sayakhat" has called for the abolition of compulsory insurance of tour operators. "If the insurance companies will only insure travel agents, they won't have as much risks", she concluded.


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