
Timur Kulibayev: "The main objective of the business ombudsman is to anticipate systemic problems of business"

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Business Ombudsman a way to solution of business problems

Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev introduced to the members of the Board the Commissioner for Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov.

According to the Entrepreneurial Code of RK, the activities of the Business Ombudsman will be provided by the National Chamber. The Ombudsman will work closely with "Atameken", as the Chamber accumulated all the statistics on the issues and challenges of entrepreneurship, it has built the system for protection of Kazakhstani business.

"The main task of the Commissioner for protection of entrepreneurs' rights is to anticipate problematic issues, the facts of illegal interference of state bodies, the detection of administrative barriers. "Atameken", which has all the necessary information, will be a good helper in the work of the Ombudsman", - said Timur Kulibayev.

He noted that one of the most important directions of work of NCE RK is protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. During these two years NCE and all regional Chambers of Entrepreneurs received more than 10,000 applications with the line of business protection. More than 40% of them were positively resolved thanks to the work of the qualified experts of the Chamber who directly interact with entrepreneurs: represent their interests in state bodies, defend their rights in the courts, providing legal advice. In total the Chamber protected the property rights of entrepreneurs in the amount of 22.8 billion tenge. This is real money and the property was returned to entrepreneurs, as well as fines were canceled.

"The price of oil has decreased, "the holiday" is over. Now the main challenge is at the stake: how to survive and to develop SMEs stably? I think that one of the most important issues today is procurement, where all processes must be as transparent as possible. The same position of principle I adhere to the same stance in respect of NCE RK "Atameken", whose members are independent observers, who are not involved in the procurement processes. The decision on this issue I see in interaction of the Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs, the Council on anti-corruption and combating the shadow economy NCE RK, state and quasi-state structures ", - summed Timur Kulibayev.

Chairman of NCE also focused on tax matters, stressing that they can’t be solved through pressure on business, knocking out as much contributions as possible to the budget.

"You can hit business by intensification of the work of tax authorities in collection of funds to the budget, but the question of employment is much more important. Let entrepreneurs first get on their feet, get stronger, and then you can come for the taxes. Self-employed people give jobs to others, and thanks for that! "- said Timur Kulibayev.

In addition, the head of "Atameken" stressed the specificity of regional problems and issues of economic sectors, which they are not regulated by laws and regulations. In his opinion, it is necessary to simplify the legal framework at the design stage, to solve legal issues.

Chairman of NCE also added that for NCE and all business community the business ombudsman, who will be in charge of the system of entrepreneurs’ protection, is a "heavyweight" as of now, whose opinion should be considered by all public authorities.

To a large extent, this is stipulated by the prestige value of this post in the world, as well as high-status of the Business Ombudsman, appointed by the President and reporting to the Head of State.

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