
The capital needs manpower

- City of Astana
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Proficiency of future builders was tested

This year, RCE intends to open resource and training centers for preparing specialties in 13 different trades. This was announced today by head of the department of development of human capital of the Metropolitan Chamber of entrepreneurs Zharas Baibosyn at the first graduation exam of students of the Polytechnic College, which were trained within the dual system.

"With the participation of the Chamber of entrepreneurs in Astana have been created educational and resource centers on the basis of two colleges, which successfully function and where students study 11 different trades. This year we intend to open a resource and training centers to teach 13 different trades during short courses on the basis of four other schools", - said Zharas Baibosyn.

He stressed that training of highly skilled workers in colleges of the city is one of the priorities of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the capital. Experts find out information on staffing needs of employers by the results of questioning and interrogation.

"Since the beginning of this year, our experts surveyed 120 companies and identified the need in 50 specialists", - said Zharas Baibosyn.

Special attention is paid to the development of the dual education. Metropolitan Chamber, as part of its participation in the dual training of students in the colleges of the capital, signed 4-party memos with the Department of education under Akimat of the city, 17 colleges and 27 companies that provided their production facilities to train 1,141 students in 19 specialties.

25 information stands about enterprises were installed at the colleges of the city - social partners and 45 carrier orientation offices in schools of Astana with detailed information about colleges of the city.

"Today, during the first open presentation of diploma works by graduate students of Polytechnic College, who were trained within the dual system, the qualification commission from among the representatives of NCE "Atameken", the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana and construction company "Basis" was able to evaluate the professional training of 23 graduates of the college and their qualification, - said the expert.

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