
Timur Kulibayev: "Domestic carriers should continue the work on the use of the transit potential of the EAEU"

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The main routes of delivery of goods to Kazakhstan will be redirected

The Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev heard the report of the president of JSC "NC" Kazakhstan Temir Zholy ", the Chairman of the Committee of logistics and transportation of NCE RK Askar Mamin.

Bypass of sanctions

"Taking into account the current situation in view of the spread of Russian "sanctions" on goods from Turkey and Ukraine, transportation of goods by historically formed routes, both railway and road, today is governed by the new order of import", - said A. Mamin.

According to him, NCE works on alternative routes through Georgia, Azerbaijan, Aktau port via railway and road transport, as well as through Turkey - Iran - Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan via automobile route. However, the delivery time and cost of transportation virtually doubles in this case.

NCE has found a wayout in the transport reorientation of Turkish goods to Kazakhstan. "As a result of the introduction of sanctions by Russia in December 2015, most of the domestic carriers have refocused on the Trans-Caspian route through the ports of Baku and Aktau", - said Askar Mamin. There are advantages: the volume of ferry traffic has increased significantly. "So, in January of this year 569 passed through Aktau port, which in comparison to the previous year, exceeds the volume of traffic more than 10 times (in January-November 2015 868 vehicles used the route Baku-Aktau) ", - stated A. Mamin.

In addition, the conditions of transportation have simplified for entrepreneurs: the procedure of verification of documents was simplified, there was introduced the option of preliminary submission of information, the control at the port Aktau is executed on the principle of "one window".

During the visit of the delegation to Aktau port, which was headed by the First Deputy of the Prime Minister B. Sagintayev with the participation of representatives of NCE, it became possible to achieve some results: verification of documents per vehicle should t take more than two minutes, but on the condition of submission of information about cargo in advance.

"In order to accelerate and to simplify the procedures at the port of Aktau, the joint order of the Ministries of Finance, Agriculture, National Economy, Investment and Development, the National Security Committee approved the procedure, according to which the monitoring should be carried out on the principle of "one window" and the inspection of documents for one vehicle should not exceed 2 minutes. NCE together with the Aktau port is working to introduce a procedure of preliminary notification about cargo. This work iss conducted jointly with TOBB of Turkey, the UND of Turkey, SRC of MF RK, Aktau and Baku ports", - said Askar Mamin.

After 4 years transit through Kazakhstan can incrise twice

According to Askar Mamin, such results can be achieved throught implementation of transport and logistics infrastructure projects, including the creation and comprehensive development of SEZ "Khorgos - Eastern Gate", the reconstruction of Astana Airport, the construction of the ferry complex in Kuryk village of Mangistau region, the construction of TLC in the cities of Astana and Shymkent and others.

"It is expected that as a result of the implementation of major infrastructure projects, the volume of growth of transit traffic by 2020 will increase from 18 billion tenge to 36 billion tenge, as well as lead to creation of 109 thousand new jobs", - the Chairman of the Committee of Logistics and transportation NCE RK informed the head of NCE.

He added that the contribution of the transport and logistics industry to the national economy in 2015 amounted to more than 3 billion tenge, which is 5.5% more than in 2014.

Focusing on the high rate of implementation of the transit potential of Kazakhstan, A. Mamin said that today JSC "NC KTZ" carries out export of goods from 11 provinces of China, which allowed in 2015 (47.4 thousand.) to increase the flow of containers on the route China-Europe- China 7 times compared to 2013 year (6.6 ths.). The experts of the Committee predict growth of the volume of container traffic to 94.6 thousand in 2016. That is 14 times (compared with 2013 year).

Particular attention during the meeting was paid to the development of the road sector. In order to maximize the use of the transit potential, it is necessary to focus on the following issues: toll roads, maintenance and repair of roads, development of roadside service.

In addition, there were raised issues of the road, railway, water and maritime transport, such as the renewal of the truck fleet, the creation of institutional conditions for the development and increase of the volume of container and multimodal transport, reduction of the tax burden for the infrastructure of regional airports.

They also discussed the main problems of development of transport and logistics complex for 2016, related to the provision of access to the international road transportation for Kazakhstani carriers, expansion of transit capacity through the territory of Kazakhstan on road and railway routes .

However, other activities of the Committee are related to the development of the passenger transportation and small aircraft.

Summing up the meeting, the Chairman of the Presidium Timur Kulibayev made a number of proposals to optimize the Committee's work, but also noted the need for further work on the use of transit potential of the EAEU by domestic carriers.

In general, according to him, there is a positive trend in the sphere of transport and logistics.

"A lot funds are invested in all infrastructure projects, but it is clear that the work is in full swing, and these are proper investments", - summed Timur Kulibayev.

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