
Business women of two countries unite

- Almaty Region
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Members of the Council of Businesswomen of RCE met with businesswomen of the city of Horgos at the international center of boundary cooperation "Khorgos"

Members of the Women's Association of the Autonomous District and Region, the Association of Industry and Commerce of the Autonomous District and Region, the Government of the Autonomous Region, City’s and People's Committee, Political Advisory Council of the city of Khorgos of 20 companies were present at the meeting from the Chinese side.

The Regional Council of Businesswomen was presented by well-known entrepreneurs of the region. Among them - the head of the Association of Restaurateurs Galiya Khakimova, LLP "Raushangul" Atlas Moldakhmetova, director of the kindergarden “INTELLECiTy” kindergarten Marzhan Akhmetzhanova, Larisa Kotelnikova, representatives of branches of the Councils of Businesswomen of Sarkand, Kerbulak, Panfilov districts and the city of Tekeli.

The main concept of the international forum was the issues of realization of mutually beneficial cooperation within the framework of the Economic Belt of the Silk Road. The welcome speeches were made by the Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the SEZ "Khorgos", Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Committee of SEZ "Khorgos" Xinjiang, the Mayor of the city of Khorgos Murano Abilmazhin. They talked about the need to integrate the two economies and the fact that women around the world are positive and the driving force.

"It is noteworthy that the members of the Regional Council of Businesswomen of Almaty region became one of the first members, and at the invitation of our neighbors visited the Khorgos center on the eve of Women's Day. And we believe that this will provide a beginning and further business cooperation between the representatives of the fair sex in both countries, which will be based on mutual understanding, mutual respect and mutual benefit", - said the Head of the Regional Council of Businesswomen of Almaty Mamila Musabekov.

The parties signed a bilateral agreement, which sets out the priorities for further cooperation and plans for the near future. In September it is planned to hold an international exhibition in Urumqi, which will be the first dedicated to women's entrepreneurship.

The forum participants were pleased with the attention of the mayor of the town of Horgos Mr. Mural Abilmazhin. "He is very easy to communicate with, he is close to people and very hospitable. We have witnessed the award ceremony of top 10 women, representing different industries, and understood how China appreciates its citizens. Now the members of our Council of Businesswomen are waiting for fruitful work, meetings with businesswomen. Our journey is the beginning of friendship and cooperation. We get feedback from our partners even today. They express desire in further colloboration", - said a member of the Regional Council.

"It is necessary to expand our capabilities. Meeting at Khorgos gives us such opportunities, - said the head of the farm "Tastuma" Kenzhetaev Tazabekov, the chairman of the regional council of business women. - In our Sarkand district, women have a lot of ideas, there is a great desire to work, to start a business. I want to unite these initiatives of women, to show them success stories and to help them in solution of their problems. I myself have more than 10 years of experience in business, and I can say that now it is much easier. You can get assistance with compliance of a business plan, and an accountant, a lawyer. And all these things are done for free".

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