
Everybody thinks about starting own business

- Karaganda Region
12774 просмотров

Representatives of RCE met with the staff of the enterprise at the invitation of the water treatment plant in the town of Priozersk

What interests an ordinary citizen? Of course, all the possibilities, that are offered by the state.

As states the director of a branch of the Chamber in Priozersk Azamat Chalgymbaev not always a person has free time to learn more about state support instruments.

"Sometimes, there isn’t a chance or there is no time, but one should go and find out, they believe. Therefore, we come to talk to such citizens, to explain the conditions of state programs. There are 20 people, who work at this station. And all of them are interested to learn how to start a business", - said the director.

They are interested in business in the field of animal husbandry, agriculture, someone wants to open a photo studio, and someone wants to get engaged in retail sales. We have conducted individual consultations with some employees. They confirmed their intention to visit the Chamber.

The business course "Business Advisor" has been launched in Karaganda region and there are many people in Priozersk, who want to learn the basics of business.

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