
Finances became more accessible

- Aktobe Region
11011 просмотров

15 small and medium-sized businesses have received nearly 70 million tenge of borrowed funds

Alga branch of RCE is actively supporting policy of NCE RK "Atameken" for the availability of funds. "Only in February, thanks to active cooperation of our branch with MCO LLP" Aktobe Aul microcredit "and JSC" Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture" were funded 15 SMEs totaling 69.3 million tenge. Including 7 business entities, which were financed by MCO LLP "Aul microcredit Aktobe" in the amount of 30 million tenge”, - shared the good news the consultant of the branch Zhandos Koytleuov.

These funds were allocated from the regional budget, and aimed at developing mini feedlots, greenhouses, milk collection points, rabbits and poultry breeding. Moreover, Alga District is actively developing a state program to support entrepreneurship "Aul kәsіpkerlіgі", which was developed by RCE in conjunction with the P regional akimat and JSC "FFSA" for lending to entrepreneurial initiatives in rural areas, small towns and mono town. In February 39.3 million tenge were distributed between 8 SMEs.

"Today Alga branch actively provides services and escorts projects until complete financing and further development of business”, - said the manager - consultant Zhandos Koytleuov.

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