
Private expert organizations are not allowed to work

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Problems of organizations, which are engaged in expertise of construction projects, were reviewed at the meeting of the Council on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs

The deputy chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva delivered the speech regarding this topic. She explained the current situation. "Last year we have been negotiating with authorities to transfer the functions of expertise in the construction industry from state monopoly to private sector. Gradually, this process moves. At the end of the year the formation of the regulatory framework was completed. Earlier this year, there was raised the question of creation of the Chamber of expert organizations. On 11th of February the Chamber was established under the auspices of NCE RK", - said Yakupbaeva.

According to the deputy chairman of NCE, expert organizations all over the country send signals regarding the creation of additional barriers by government agencies and questions regarding regulatory framework: What can be referred to complex objects? What can be transferred in a private environment, etc. "On Friday, we held a meeting on these issues with the participation of expert organizations from the regions. Just yesterday we received a call of the authorized body and asked the executives timeout on this issue so that we can work on all these questions together with government agencies and RSE "State expertise" and at the next meeting to report on their implementation", - she said.

The address of expert organizations states that the review of all construction projects (whether public or private monopoly is the examination) is carried out only through a single national electronic portal. This raises the question: how acceptable is the fact that the subject of state monopoly operates the unified portal of expertise (including expertise, which is not related to the state monopoly).

The Chairman of the Council on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs Gani Kasymov proposed to the General Prosecutor's Office to review the legality of the order of the Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan on approval of Rules for carrying out a comprehensive expertise that stipulates the work of expert organizations within the public portal. "We recommend the National Chamber to take control of the resolution of this issue. The results will be reported at the next meeting of the Council ", - concluded Kasimov.

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