
Tournament for the sake of life

- City of Astana
12119 просмотров

Support is vital for those who have undergone organ transplantation

This was the motto of the tournament, which was held yesterday in the capital. On the eve of the spring holiday of renovation "Nauryz" the Public Association of transplanted patients “Omir Tynys” with the support of JSC "National Scientific Cardia Surgery Center” organized a bowling tournament with participation of people who have undergone organ transplantation.

Among the participants, who have supported the event – was the staff of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" and the Chamber of Astana. "Recently organ transplantation have undergone a large development in Kazakhstan. The local clinics have an opportunity to conduct unique operations, and most importantly, there is an understanding of caring people, who, despite the bitterness of loss, give permission for organ donation of their loved ones. Thanks to  terminally ill people, some Kazakhstani citizens get a chance for a second life", - said at the opening of the tournament the leading well-known Kazakh politician and social activist Nurlan Uteshev.

Currently, more than 17 thousand people with disabilities live in Astana. Among them, 80 people have undergone organ transplantation, including the heart transplantation. Since 2012, the National Scientific Cardiac Surgery Center performed 30 transplantation of donor hearts to patients from all over Kazakhstan. "Numerous studies show that physical training significantly improves the quality of life and prolong the life of the recipients - people with donor organs. Transplantation sports games are held annually around the world since 1978 held, allowing to demonstrate the complete mental, physical and social rehabilitation of patients who have a second life thanks to an organ transplantation. Therefore, the purpose of the event - is to improve the rehabilitation of recipients by engaging them in sports, as well as the desire to draw the attention of state and society to the problems of social adaptation of people with transplanted organs and create a positive opinion on the donation and transplantation ", - said the chairman of the Public Association of transplanted patients “Omir Tynys” Zhanibek Uspanov, who was the first patient to undergo transplantation of donor heart in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

Zhanibek Uspanov notes that the social and psychological adaptation plays an important role in the postoperative period for patients with transplanted organs. In order to prevent rejection of the transplanted organ, such patients take drugs for life to reduce immunity. In this connection, it is necessary to pay special attention to the prevention of viral and infectious diseases, the need to avoid hypothermia. There are restrictions on physical activity – it is not allowed to lift weights of more than 5 kg. Many recipients after surgery move to Astana, to be close to the transplant center, where the operation was done. "In spite of the above difficulties, after a period of rehabilitation, many recipients wish to return to the profession in order to live a full life: to work and to raise children. However, due to restrictions they are presently unable to do so. Many of the patients with transplanted organs are engaged in retail trade on the streets and heavy physical activity. Given the particular status of these citizens, they can be employed for part-time work on a light load positions. Recipients are willing to undergo retraining, if it is provided by the employer",- said in an interview Zhanibek.

And it should be noted that there are such companies in our country. For example, LLP "Yutariya Astana", which sews clothes, hired one of the recipients, who was previously engaged in construction. At its own expense, the employer retrained the man. He is a locksmith for repair of sewing equipment now. Thanks to this support, he has the ability to work and to be useful to the family and society. Zhanibek urges all Kazakhstani citizens to help people who have had organ transplantation, to participate in their social and psychological adaptation.

The tournament was attended by four teams: the recipients, the staff of the National Scientific Cardiac Surgery Center headed by the Chairman of the Board Yuri Pya, the Youth Society of Disabled Persons and the team of journalists. Atameken was represented at the tournament by the team of journalists from  the Public Relations Department. The Chairman of the jury was the President of the Alliance of Kazakhstan Bloggers Galym Baytuk. The winners were awarded with diplomas and gifts. At the end of the event organizers expressed hope that the holding of such events with participation of the recipients will become a tradition and will go beyond our country.

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