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- City of Astana
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The issue of PPP projects in construction of kindergartens requires careful study

This was stated during the discussion of the Council of Business Women of the Metropolitan Chamber of Entrepreneurs. There is readiness to engage in PPP projects in construction of kindergartens, but we need to study carefully the proposed cooperation mechanisms.

The participants of the meeting were the Director of the Metropolitan Chamber Gani Tasmaganbetov, as well as heads and representatives of JSC "Kazakhstan PPP Center", Department of Education and Department of Economy and Budget Planning of the city, as well as LLP “Company on development of PPP” and JSC “Astana Innovations”.

Thus, the Managing Director of JSC "Kazakhstan PPP Center" Aidos Kobesov said that in light of recent legislative changes in the mechanism of PPP, there were created new opportunities. At the moment, 10 model projects were elaborated in various sectors, including in the area of ​​preschool education. The development of standard documents is in process (concept, bidding documents, the draft contract), taking into account the opinions of entrepreneurs, which is voiced during similar meetings. "Due to the changes in the legislation, in the mechanism of PPP appeared a new concept "direct negotiations" or Private Finance Initiative. Previously, under the Law on Concession, all PPP projects were implemented at the initiative of the state. The new mechanism allows businesses to act as initiator of the project in relation to object in his ownership or long-term lease. It is very convenient for those who have in ownership or long-term rent a land plot or real estate. You can suggest your own unique project for implementation through PPP. In addition, a project initiated by the private partner, can be implemented without competition if there are no other potential competitors in the industry", - said Aidos Kobesov.

He said that during implementation of PPP projects, the Government fully shares the risk with the private partner. For example, the private partner takes over the risks during construction and the state covers the risks during the operation.

According to Aidos Kobesova, the procedure of approval of PPP projects may take up to 9 months. "What advantages does the private partner have during participation in PPP projects? First of all, the state fully reimburse the private partner investments in the form of construction costs of the object in time and amount specified in PPP contract, for 6 years in equal installments. In addition, it guarantees consumption, including the financing of pre-school education on per capita basis and parents' payment for food. PPP mechanism allows the state to make it possible to implement socially significant projects by the so-called deferred payments. Importantly, the PPP mechanism applies to quasi-public sector - legal entities with the participation of the state ", - he stressed.

During the discussion, participants of the meeting expressed their opinions and proposals regarding the mechanism of state-private partnership. Summing up the meeting, Chairman of the Council of Business Women of the Metropolitan Chamber Bagila Beisembayeva noted that women entrepreneurs in the capital are interested in PPP projects on construction of kindergartens. "We understand that a simple question requires a detailed and in-depth study. As you know, women work mainly in small and medium business, as these projects are more ambitious. Therefore, it is necessary to examine everything carefully before setting to work", - summarized Bagila Bisembaeva.

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