
Milk, meat and galoshes

- Karaganda Region
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Entrepreneurs of Osakarovsk district raised the problem of sanitation at agricultural fairs

Agricultural fairs are held each week in the district. Farmers sell meat, milk and sour cream of own production. Trades of sausages, cheeses and cakes from towns also join the fair during these days. However, the responsible authorities do not control sanitary conditions and sellers without special clothes trade the goods, taking the staff from the floor as there are no windows and counters.

An individual entrepreneur Vladimir Mazhuru is particularly outraged that the fair is held on the street, and the goods are not covered. "Last summer we watched as flies were sitting on top of products, there are no refrigerators. And the most offensive fact is that sanitary epidemiological service doesn’t trouble them, but local shops are subject to constant inspections. Soon the summer again, and I am sure that nothing will change", - he complains.

According to the director of the branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Osakarovsk district Botagos Syzdykova, local producers are the losers. "There is a belief that a fair is a place, where cheap products are offered. However, as we see it is not so: for example, visiting merchants sell sausage. Residents of the district purchase are everything at the fairs, while our sausages remain on the counter. And it is of better quality and is much cheaper", - she said.

There is a problem of commercial neighborhood – they sell milk and next to it they sell meat and galoshes. The branch of the Chamber intends to arrange trade fairs. Meanwhile, representatives of the state authorities reported that it is planned to hold 129 inspections of SMEs of Osakarovsk district in the first half of 2016.

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