
The main thing is not to interfere in the work of entrepreneurs

- Mangistau Region
14796 просмотров

RCE and the Department of Justice will work together to identify systemic problems and barriers in the development of entrepreneurship

The parties agreed on this during the round table on the protection of property rights with participation of state bodies and business structures, by the results of which the Department of Justice and the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs have signed a memorandum on mutual cooperation.

According to the deputy director of RCE on Economic Affairs Aset Manov, the signing of a memorandum on mutual cooperation is one of the measures on decreasing the pressure on business. "The memorandum was signed in order to implement joint and coordinated actions with the judicial authorities on the formation of a favorable institutional framework for conduction of business on the principles of constructiveness, transparency, efficiency, collaboration and mutual exchange of information", - he said.

The Parties shall develop cooperation in terms of security and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the business, they will identify systemic problems and barriers to the development of entrepreneurship, as well as joint measures to identify and to address violations of the law in the field of entrepreneurship.

On a regular basis will be held joint meetings, round tables with participation of representatives of state bodies, business community and entrepreneurs.

According to the deputy head of the Department of Justice of Mangistau region Bekbolat Columbaev, the parties will identify systemic problems and barriers to the development of entrepreneurship, the causes and conditions that contribute to violations of the rights of business entities.

"Our efforts will be focused primarily on the prevention, detection and suppression of offenses, elimination of administrative barriers. We hold regular working meetings, develop joint programs and, if necessary, we establish working groups. The main thing is to prevent unlawful interference of state bodies in the activities of the business", - concluded the deputy head of the regional Department of Justice.

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