
Business opportunities are unlimited

- North-Kazakhstan Region
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The branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKR rendered assistance to an entrepreneur with disabilities

A resident of the village of Presnovka of Zhambyl district Botagoz Serikpaeva is disabled, visually impaired, but it didn’t prevent her from engaging in tailoring of national clothes. The woman got registered as an individual entrepreneur in 2013. All this time, she was using a manual sewing machine, wanting to buy an electric sewing machine.

"Since last year I have repeatedly appealed to the local branch of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKR regarding the program of state support. Back then I learned about the application of non-financial support to disabled entrepreneurs "Damu-Komek" developed by JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu"", - says Botagoz Tortaevna.

In a word, this program is one of the effective instruments of non-financial support to existing and potential entrepreneurs with disabilities through the creation of conditions, which enable to conduct business and to enhance professional skills through remote studies of business. The program "Damu-Komek" aims to support entrepreneurs with disabilities by raising awareness about their problems and resources, required for them: financial assistance, property, advisory support and other services.

This year Botagoz Serikpaeva decided to try her luck, to apply for participation in this program.

"In January of this year, a woman addressed the consultants of our business support center to help to compile an application and to collect the necessary documents for participation in the program "Damu Komek". Once all the documents have been collected, our consultant sent them to the regional branch of JSC "Fund" Damu" in the North Kazakhstan region. And in March, the company LLP "Firm Dikanshy" provided sponsorship support to Botagoz Serikpaeva by buying an electric sewing machine", - sums up the director of the branch of RCE of SKR in Zhambyl district Natalia Lazareva.

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