
Meyram Pshembaev was appointed the head of Republican Council for Support of Entrepreneurs

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Mazhilis deputy Meyram Pshembaev was appointed the Chairman of the Republican Council for Support of Entrepreneurs.

The Republican Council for Support of Entrepreneurship under the party "Nur Otan" (RCSE) was created by the order of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev in June of last year. The aim of this organization is to unite the efforts of the party, of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs, business associations and government agencies in improvement of the competitiveness of domestic business.

The Council became a public dialogue platform for the development of conceptual proposals, concrete and practical solutions on how to improve the competitiveness of domestic business. It consists of MPs, leadership of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs, representatives of the business community, government agencies and well-known experts.

The new head of RCSE is a well-known person in the country. Meyram Pshembaev graduated from the Semipalatinsk Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Institute. He is a doctor of Economics. Between 1989 and 2004 he held the positions of Chairman of the Board of JSC "Aksu", Head of the representation "Rosneft" in Kazakhstan, Vice-President of LLP "Kazneftekom", general manager of NOC "KazakhOil" at the Pavlodar refinery. In 2004-2006 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Corporation" Kazakhselmash", Chairman of the Board of ULE" Engineering Union of Kazakhstan. " Since 2007 - deputy of Mazhilis.

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