
Chinese style business in Kazakhstan

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"Atameken" is looking for sales markets for distribution of domestic agricultural products and foreign investors for the development of agro-industrial complex

In the current economic conditions, domestic agricultural producers need to have a stable export markets for manufactured products, as well as investments to increase agricultural production.

NCE RK "Atameken" is actively working in this direction. So, in March of this year, there were held bilateral meetings with representatives of Chinese business, during which questions were studied possibilities of sale of Kazakh product to China, as well as attraction of reputable Chinese investors to Kazakhstan for creation of joint ventures for the production of food products and their subsequent export.

In particular, meetings were held with the leadership of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corporation (XPCC). This company is one of the best, having a good experience in various sectors of agribusiness and the necessary scientific and technical base. In addition, a number of areas, such as drip irrigation, cotton, horticulture, vegetable growing are advanced not only in Xinjiang, but also throughout the whole of China. The proximity of the landscapes and climatic conditions with some parts of Kazakhstan enhances the benefits.

Kazakhstani delegation also visited a number of companies of XPCC. The Group of Experts of NCE RK "Atameken visited corporation "Tyane", which specializes in drip irrigation, at "Tecon enterprise", which specializes on production of fodder, at the meat-production plant, dairy plant "Kenrun", as well as at a complex of greenhouses, which is engaged in production of mushrooms.

There were held working meetings with the company "U-Hye", which produces vegetable oils, the company "Wan Yes", which is the largest processor of grain, as well as "Oil Company SPSK" having an interest in the procurement of high-quality confectionery and mineral water for its 250 retail stores at gas stations.

NCE RK "Atameken" have received the data on micro demand from the company SPSK on the main groups of food products produced in Kazakhstan. In particular, SPSK confirmed its intention to purchase on annual basis sunflower and safflower in the volume of 240 tons and 28 tons respectively, and the vegetable oil in an amount of 110 thousand tons annually. Currently NCE RK "Atameken" is looking for partners in Kazakhstan to satisfy this micro demand.

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