
The entrepreneur is protected, the cows have tags

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The entrepreneur from Astana thanked NCE RK "Atameken" for the solution of a long dispute with the state body

"The staff of LLP “ZTOWN Development” sincerely thanks you and your staff for their assistance in resolving the situation between us and the RSE " Republican antiepizootic Section" of the Committee of veterinary inspection and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure the implementation of the program of identification of agricultural animals. By participating you have provided invaluable support and protected the rights and interests of domestic business", - stated the letter from the Director of “ZTOWN Development” Adilzhan Raymkulova.

LLP “ZTOWN Development” is a domestic manufacturer of hinged tags. Within the government grant, it launched production of domestic multicomponent ear tags for the identification of agricultural animals. At all stages of public procurement procedures, up to the execution of contractual obligations, the company is faced with systemic barriers, artificially created by institutions, which are subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture - RSE "Republican antiepizootic section". The public authority was dragging the time in order to blame LLP in improper performance of public procurement contracts and to recognize it as non-reliable.

In this regard, NCE sent the letter to the Minister of Agriculture to deal with the situation. At the same time a letter was sent to the Prosecutor General’s Office.

As a result of RSE "National antiepizootic Section" unreasonably terminated the contract with “ZTOWN Development” due to the fact that the Committee of veterinary control and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture reportedly reduced financing of purchases. In this regard, "Atameken" once again sent a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture, as well as to the Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Sagintayev, in which they proposed to hold a joint meeting with LLP “ZTOWN Development”, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of National Economy, the Ministry of State service and Prosecutor General's Office, as well as with interested state bodies at the site of NCE. In the end, after holding meetings, NCE and the Committee of veterinary control and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture had taken the decision to buy ear tags from “LLP “ZTOWN Development”.

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