
Another 2 billion - for metropolitan start-ups

- City of Astana
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Additional funding in the amount of 2 billion tenge will be allocated from the second half of the year

A memorandum was signed in Astana between the city akimat and the Fund "Damu".

According to the director of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana Ghani Tasmaganbetov, this support measure for start-ups business is introduced only in the capital.

"The decision on a new program for support of start-up projects was announced by Governor of the capital Adilbek Dzhaksybekov at the beginning of March at the third conference of businessmen of Astana with the participation of the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev. At the moment the agreement is implemented. The funds will be used to support SMEs in various sectors of the economy through banks of the second level and a special commission. We, the regional Chamber of entrepreneurs, are given the opportunity to select the projects to make recommendations on them. I think there will be a lot volunteers within this direction", - said Gani Tasmaganbetov.

According to director of the Metropolitan Chamber of entrepreneurs, Astana is a leader in innovations in the field of business support. Prior to this, funds were allocated to support youth entrepreneurship “ ZhasStarT” and for lending to the sphere of trade amounting to 600 million and 1.6 billion tenge, respectively. Funds were disbursed in full. This year, in addition to these programs will be allocated another 300 million tenge.

Ghani Tasmaganbetov stressed that at present the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana provides free services to start-up business in teaching to basics of entrepreneurship and support services, including accounting and tax accounting, preparation of statistical reports, customs procedures and marketing issues, consulting and full support of all the process of the implementation of management systems, servicing in the sector of information technology, legal services and assistance in the field of public procurement, procurement of national companies and subsoil users.

"But budding entrepreneurs face a barrier when it comes to financing projects. In fact, it is difficult to obtain financing in banks for start-up projects, basically, they support those who already have a business, cash flows, have collateral. This is a problem for new entrepreneurs, who do not have, but have a great desire to start their own business. So now, thanks to this support of akimat, these funds will be in great demand, and there will be a lot people, wishing to take part in it", - said Gani Tasmaganbetov.

According to the new project, the maximum loan amount for start-ups can be up to 50 million tenge. Interest rate is 7.9% per annum, the loan term is up to 7 years.

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