
There can be introduced a school uniform of one color in Kazakhstan

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Astana hosted the First Republican Forum of school uniforms

At the event, organized by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and the Association of light industry enterprises, were presented different uniforms, made by 18 domestic manufacturers. Children defiled before the participants of the forum in the Kazakh clothes. Thus, directors of schools, representatives of parents' committees, departments of education, which were present at the event, could evaluate the quality and appearance of the goods.

The forum was attended by the Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Yerlan Sagadiyev, deputy chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev, the president of the Association of Light Industry Enterprises of Kazakhstan Lubov Khudova, deputy chairman of the industry committee of the Ministry for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan Timur Nurashev.

The head of the Ministry of Education, opening the forum, said that among the majority of parents and teachers have quite a positive opinion about school uniforms. "Parents say that it improves the aesthetic appearance of students, discipline, promotes the creation of a work environment. Students who wear uniforms, believe that it does not restrict their personality and creates a sense of pride of the school", - he said.

He added that every child wants to be beautiful, especially the girls, so the manufacturers of school uniforms should focus on the aesthetic appearance of goods primarily. "The right to choose - how should the school uniform look like is the competence of education and parent community. We believe that this is correct, each school must be individual. However, it must conform to generally accepted standards of business style of a secular character, to teach our children to the correct dress code, which they will face in the future", - said Sagadiyev.

However, during the forum the producers of uniforms suggested themselves to unify the color of uniforms in public schools. "If you discuss this with the school principals, parents, the Ministry is ready to support", - said the minister to this.

Timur Nurashev, in turn, noted that the analysis of saturation of the Kazakhstani market with goods for children showed that virtually the whole Kazakhstani market is presented by imported goods today. "In this regard, particular concern is the quality of school uniforms. Today, we see that domestic manufacturers are ready to provide school uniforms for our children of good quality, however, many orders are placed today in China and Turkey. The annual volume of the school uniform market – is more than 30 billion tenge. Due to the placement of orders abroad, the Treasury loses every year, even in the form of VAT more than 4 billion tenge. In this regard our Ministry, of course, supports the initiative of NCE on the need to place orders for uniforms with domestic enterprises", - he said.

Nurzhan Altaev confirmed that today the share of domestic enterprises in the school uniform market does not exceed 7%. According to him, it is planned to increase this figure to 50% in the coming years.

"Last year, we learned and saw that the state bodies and national companies of Kazakhstan buy all sorts of products and services worth over 9 trillion tenge from abroad. This is a huge amount that could support our domestic production. The position of NCE is that money as possible should remain in the country, offering a social effect - jobs, taxes, pensions, salaries and so on ", - said the representative of "Atameken ".

Altaev added that Kazakhstan became more interested in domestic production. "I myself wear a suit, made by a Kazakhstani producer “Glasman” and shoes made in Karaganda. Our clothing is not inferior to foreign brands", - he said.

The Minister of Education said that the agency will bring the matter to the discussion with the parent committees, school principals, Departments of Education, setting that it is necessary to pay attention to the uniforms of Kazakhstani producers.

Lubov Khudova, in turn, noted the importance of the event. "For the first time the problem of school uniforms was displayed at the republican level, which is the key to its solution. Kazakhstan has all the prerequisites for the development of enterprises, making school uniforms. In February the Minister of Education and Science issued an order, which defines the requirements for school uniforms. We waited for the order almost 7 years. Finally it came out, and we are ready to work", - she said.

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