
Let’s help young entrepreneurs to gain experience!

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Students, who invented the recipe of ice cream from the koumiss and products for diabetics, will undergo business training at enterprises

Inter-regional business internships are organized by the Congress of Youth of Kazakhstan with the support of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" and the Kazakhstan Association of Entrepreneurs "Kazka". Today, the project has been launched at the site of "Atameken". The representatives of the Fund for the Development of Entrepreneurs "Damu" participated in the opening.

Within the project beginning businessmen will undergo training at small and medium-sized enterprises of Astana in the period from 6th to 9th of April 2016. Participants of it are students whose ideas were recognized as the best at the republican forum of young businessmen "Business and Education", which took place on 4-5th of December 2015 in Pavlodar at the State University named after Toraigyrov. During the four days of the internship they will get an opportunity to meet successful businessmen of the capital, they will get acquainted with the projects of "Atameken", "Kazka" as well as the possibility of obtaining state support from the Fund "Damu".

"On our behalf, we have tried to find you very interesting companies for internships. I hope we succeeded. We are very interested in your feedback on this issue ", - said the representative of "Atameken" Dmitry Savelenko.

The representative of "Damu" Islambek Kairbekov, in turn, in his presentation spoke about tools of support of youth entrepreneurship.

Each participant of the internship has an operating business or an innovative idea. For example, a student at PSU Arnagul Burkut is engaged in cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke for the future production of healthy food from it. This is the right thing, because Jerusalem artichoke contains a large amount of insulin. This material, unlike the starch has almost no effect on blood sugar levels, and its prolonged use contributes to its decrease. That is why the Jerusalem artichoke is recommended for use for people, who suffer from diabetes. Jerusalem artichoke is also important for those who suffer from various problems with digestion and pancreas.

Lazzat Smagulova, another student of PSU, offers to the market the innovative "frozen yogurt" - a light refreshing dessert, the main ingredient is starter bacteria and skim milk. Nurgiza Kalimova and Askhat Aitzhanov (CCGT) at the forum "Business and Education" won 500 thousand tenge and successfully spread ice cream made from koumiss at the market of Pavlodar. They patented the technology and plans to bring production on a larger scale. The student of the State University named after Shakarim Kudayberdiuly (Semey) Zhanerke Egezhanova plans to set up a studio of contemporary art. She aims at addressing psychological problems. Almost every person can take part in this therapy, regardless of their age and gender. Another novice businessman, who will undergo the internship, Adil Armanuly develops an online platform for promotion handmaders and their products, sales materials for creative work, as well as for the quarterly handicrafts fairs in all cities of Kazakhstan.

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