
Hungarian spring

- Almaty Region
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Hungary is in search of new trade and economic ties with Kazakhstan

Consul - Attaché on Foreign Trade of the Consulate General of Hungary in Almaty Mr. Derd Tar met with businessmen of the region. Hungary has extensive experience of cooperation, and buys Kazakhstani beverages, raw materials and gas. And now the country is interested in the development of agricultural technology, construction production, construction of water treatment plants, waste processing, implementation of transport and passenger transport. The Director of the Chamber Lyazzat Chinkisbaeva, thanked the diplomat for the meeting with the business community of the region, and noted the priority sectors for cooperation.

"Almaty region is an agricultural region, where most of the population lives in rural areas. Therefore, it is important to work in this field with foreign partners. As you can see, our region has beautiful nature. In this regard, development of tourism is of particular importance. In the future, we are ready to organize a platform for dialogue of the Hungarian businessmen with our representatives, to provide legal advice", - said the director of the Chamber.

Last year, the volume of imports in Kazakhstan amounted to 17.3 million euro. But the diplomat said that the trade turnover between the two countries reduced dramatically in recent years. And there are reasons for it.

"Trade between Hungary and Kazakhstan is influenced very much by sanctions against Russia. The issue of transportation gets very complicated. In addition, the current crisis has affected the relationship. But I hope that the situation will stabilize, import and export between the two countries will increase, as it was two years ago. Therefore, we establish and renew our cooperation", - said the Consul - Attaché. 

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