
It was suggested to Viktor Khristenko to participate in the work of the EAEC Business Council

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NCE hosted a meeting of the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev with Viktor Khristenko.

From 2012 to 2015 Viktor Khristenko headed the Eurasian Economic Commission.

During the meeting the sides discussed the current state of integration, the potential opportunities for member-states of the Eurasian Union in terms of business processes, as well as prospects for the development of entrepreneurial initiatives.

Timur Kulibayev said that the initiative to create a dialogue platform for the business of the Union was launched by NCE RK "Atameken" and is fully supported by the business community of the Member States, as a result of which on21st of May  2015 in Astana was signed an agreement on the Business Council under the extended integration format.

The main objectives of the Business Council - is to develop a coordinated position and the dialogue between the business circles of the Member States of the Union, to establish direct contacts, to attract to full cooperation, to promote the development of trade and economic relations, industrial and financial cooperation within the Union, participation in the implementation of projects in various sectors of the economy on the territory of the Member States, and more.

Currently, the deepening of the Eurasian integration, as well as the desire of business communities to join efforts, to use the full potential stipulates creation of new tools in order to achieve the objectives.

In this regard, given the experience of Khristenko in the formation and development of the Eurasian integration, Timur Kulibayev, as the Chairman of the Presidium of the Business Council of EAEU in the current year, proposed Viktor Khristenko to participate directly in the work of the Business Council.

According to NCE RK "Atameken", high qualification and competence of Khristenko will allow the business community to intensify dialogue partnership with the Member States of the Union in practical terms and, as a consequence, to enter the world economic stage as a competitive participant of foreign trade relations.

NCE RK "Atameken" is confident that the consent of all the business communities of the Member States, as well as the consent of Victor Khristenko, regarding his appointment to the post of Chairman of the Business Council, will create new opportunities for the realization of the goals of the Business Council, for the entrepreneurs of the Member States of the Union, and will also give an additional impetus to the development of cooperation in the framework of the existing areas.

Industrial cooperation of the manufactures of the Member States of the Union is one of the most important issues that require more thorough and active study.

With the proper approach, taking into account the interests of all members of the Business Council, as well as an appropriate representation of the consolidated position of the business in higher circles of the Union, there will be found common grounds to ensure mutual participation and the implementation of joint projects in the field of industry.

In addition, during the unstable economic situation, as well as the global crisis, a significant figure for Eurasian integration in the face of Viktor Khristenko, may become a catalyst for the Business Council in achieving its objectives and using the entrepreneurial potential of the business communities of the Union.

In general, it is necessary to believe that the platform of ​​the Business Council with the participation of Viktor Khristenko, will be an effective tool for the business communities of the Member States of the Union in terms of reporting about pressing problems, as well as presentation of the consolidated position of the business to the attention of the authorized state bodies and the EEC, as well as the search for solutions.

Taking into account that the basic principle of the decision-making of the Business Council is the consensus of all Parties, NCE RK "Atamaken" intends to send a proposal to the participants of this site with the purpose of harmonization.

It is planned to introduce the new position during the second meeting of the Business Council, which will take place in May of this year in Astana. Currently NCE RK "Atameken", together with the parties of the Business Council, is working on the agenda, with the inclusion of the most significant issues of the Union.

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