
Yuri Tleumuratov: "From the beginning of the year, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty protected the rights of entrepreneurs in the amount of 3.9 billion tenge"

- City of Almaty
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The Council for Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty summed up the results of work for the first quarter line of business protection

During the joint meeting of the Council on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs NCE RK "Atameken" and the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty was heard the report of the Director of RCE of Almaty Yuri Tleumuratov on progress made within the line of business protection.

According to him, since the beginning of 2016, the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty city received 113 complaints within the line of business protection, of which 68 were substantively examined, including 23 positive resolutions.

"Since the beginning of 2016 we protected the rights of business entities in the amount of 3.9 billion tenge, there were made 9 favorable court rulings, 3 notifications of the SRC were appealed, 2 licenses were obtained, as a result of appeals the prosecutor's office issues 4 public prosecutor's responses. There were held 2 meetings of the Council on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, during which were reviewed 6 appeals, 2 of which were positively resolved, the other are in the process. For comparison: in 2014 the Chamber protected the rights of business entities in the amount of 613 million tenge, in 2015 protected the rights of business entities in the amount of 3.8 billion tenge", - said Yuri Tleumuratov.

During the operation of the Regional Chamber, the greatest number of complaints were received in the following areas: tax relations (20%); disputes between entrpreneurs (14%); land issues, architecture, construction (10%); purchases (7%); licenses and permits (4%); financial sector (4%); trucks (3%), and others.

In addition to the protection of property interests of entrepreneurs, the Chamber is working on protection of non-property rights of entrepreneurs. Thus, the experts of the Chamber facilitated and ensured representation of the interests of LLP “Intisarmed” in the Almaty City Court. By the decision of the Medeu District Court in Almaty, the claims of a group of persons were partially satisfied, residents of the house, which is located in the Medical Center - Pediatric Dentistry. Partnership was forced to dismantle the panoramic X-ray unit GX DP-300, as well as the exhaust ducts and vents located in the medical center. This decision could result in revocation of the license and closure of the medical center. The decision of the district court was changed by the resolution of the appellate court of Almaty in terms of dismantling of exhaust ducts and venting.

We also protect the rights and interests of companies, members of the public procurement. With the assistance of the Chamber we protected rights and interests of LLP “IT Integra”, LLP "Oral Maz Service", LLP “GoldenMaken”, LLP “Almaty - CONSTRUCTION.BM", LLP "Kurylys NA of ASIA" LLP, "Salon of Exclusive hats “Ele Gant”, LLP "Trading Company Rus-Auto", LLP "Organic Empire, IE "Osmanov” R.Z., IE "T-SKLAD", IE "ESTATE" against claims on recognition of these businessmen as unscrupulous participants of public procurement.

Entrepreneurs, who were recognized as unscrupulous during public procurement are included in the relevant register and are not allowed to participate in public procurement within twenty-four months from the date of entry into force of a court decision on the recognition of it as an unfair participant of public procurement.

For a significant number of entrepreneurs and business organizations participation in public procurement makes it possible to make a profit, to develop production, to create jobs. Thus, protecting the rights of entrepreneurs, participants of public procurement, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty contributes to the development of production and preservation of jobs.

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