
Business is interested in the construction of medical facilities and car parks in Astana

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NCE RK "Atameken" suggests to run pilot projects on a PPP scheme

Public-private partnership is one of the priorities of the Work Plan for the implementation of the priority directions of activities of NCE RK "Atameken" for 2016. The Chamber works in this direction together with the authorized state bodies, local executive bodies and the business community.

At the suggestion of NCE, the projects of public-private partnership are divided into national and local ones in legislation. Local executive bodies are responsible for the implementation of local PPP projects.

For implementation of PPP projects in Astana, Akimat organized a round table, within the framework of which a number of PPP projects were presented to the business community, including the construction of three parking lots, 2 bus stations, 3 outpatient clinics, city hospitals, kindergartens, 2 substations, sports facilities at schools, greenhouses.

Characteristics of projects can be viewed here.

As it was noted by the expert of NCE Alena Romanova, currently the implementation of PPP projects is considerably hampered. "In order to increase interest to PPP projects, we think it is necessary to focus on simplification of the approval process, covering of investor’s risks, the possibility for use of state support measures, as well as guaranteed sales. In this regard, NCE has repeatedly appealed to the state authorities with a proposal for the implementation of pilot projects", - said Romanov.

Thus, according to the representative of NCE, "Atameken" is already working on the implementation of pilot PPP projects in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Development. "There was developed the draft of the "Road Map" for the implementation of PPP projects in the health sector in the years 2016-2018. At the site of "Atameken" was created a working group under the chairmanship of Deputy Chairman of NCE RK Yuliya Yakupbaeva and co-chaired by Vice-Minister of Health and Social Development of RK Elzhan Birtanov, as well as representatives of MHSD, the Ministry of National Economy, the Ministry of Finance, JSC "Kazakhstan PPP center", LLP "PPP support center", the National health Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan and NCE RK for implementation of PPP in health care", - she said.

Romanov added that for the successful application of PPP mechanisms NCE together with the Ministry of Health decided to start pilot projects, one at the national level and two at regional level (new construction projects on the list). Currently MHSD of RK jointly with NCE RK Kazakhstan determine pilot PPP projects in health care.

The support has been received in due time for the launch of a similar project in cooperation with Akimat of Astana ( construction of a kindergarten).

According to NCE, entrepreneurs are also interested in participation in PPP projects for the construction of car parks, bus stations and other facilities. In this regard, it was suggested to the Akimat together NCE to run pilot projects, to create separate working groups at the site of NCE in order to implement the pilot projects, to develop roadmaps for the simplification of processes of coordination of projects.

"The experience of joint launch of pilot projects by Akimat of Astana and NCE allow to replicate successful examples of projects in the regions of the country, to give impetus to implementation of PPPs", - concluded Romanov.

Head of Department for Investment and Development of Astana city Ilyas Zhangaskin, the moderator of the round table, agreed on the need to simplify and to streamline approval procedures and implementation of PPP projects, and also supported the proposal of the Chamber on joint implementation of the pilots.

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