
Heat: payment – after supply!

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It is planned to equip with heat meters the entire housing sector within two years in Kazakhstan

The fact is that today, the residents of homes and businesses located on the ground floors of residential buildings are forced to pay for services of heat supply at inflated prices. Installation of meters will enable them to pay only for the consumed heat energy.

In some regions, since last year, the Fund for the development of housing and communal services started to install metering devices. It is expected to equip all the Republican residential fund within the next two years. For example, by the end of this year 41% of homes will be equipped with heat meters.

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will finance the process of equipping of the entire housing stock with heat meters, with which the Fund for Development of Housing plans to conclude a credit agreement on financing of the project. EBRD intends to allocate 12.2 billion tenge for these purposes.

Applications for funding for the installation of common house heat meters will be considered by the Working Committee, which includes representatives of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken".

As of 2013 differentiation of tariffs was introduced in the regions depending on the presence or absence of heat energy metering devices, according to which consumers with thermal energy metering devices have the ability to save up to 60% during payment by approved tariffs.

Question of widespread installation of heat energy metering devices was raised by the business community through NEPK "Union" Atameken "since 2013.

Installation of heat metering devices enables consumers to avoid paying for the amount of thermal energy not consumed, to obtain the effect of the introduction of energy-saving measures and technologies.

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