
An example of social partnership

- City of Astana
13359 просмотров

Students of industrial-economic college will not remain without work

In the honor of the visit of academician Gabdygapar Seytkasymov at the industrial-economic college of Astana under same names was organized a meeting with the teaching staff of the institution and celebration of Nauryz with the participation of the Metropolitan Chamber of entrepreneurs.

The event was also attended by the professors of the Kazakh University of Economy, Finance and International Trade. The sides exchanged views on the current college development and prospects of further cooperation.

In November 2015, within the frames of the 6th Urban Forum "Professional Education and Business: Dialogue of Partners" between the college, Department of Education, the Chamber of entrepreneurs and enterprises was signed a quadripartite memorandum on dual education for the major "Organization of service at hospitality enterprises”. This year the first group of students was trained within the pilot project. The students undergo internship at Moscow hotel "Royal Comfort Astana".

"With the assistance of the Metropolitan Chamber we also signed an agreement on social partnership with the leading enterprises of the city. This metropolitan branch of JSC "Tsesna Bank", LLP "Capital Consulting", LLP "Astana Royal Comfort", "Astana su Arnasy". Through NCE is conducted an active co-operation with the largest energy company "Samruk-Energo". This partnership fully meets the objectives of the dual training and already yields positive results. For example, one of the students is enrolled in the dual system and is already employed by the company - the social partner", - said the deputy director of the college Zhanara Turebekova.

Industrial and economic College named after G..S Seytkasymov was founded in November 2005, on the initiative of academician. Currently, the school is designed for 1,200 people, it has its own educational building and dormitory. Training is conducted in eight specialties in the Kazakh and Russian languages, including state educational grants. Last year, for example, 50 seats were allocated from the local budget and 50 from the republican budget.

The guests highly appreciated the material and technical base of the institution and expressed confidence that the initiative of Gabdygapar Sagitovich will be successfully put into practice.

As for Nauryz, all participants had to sit to the rich dastarkhan and to try a variety of sweets, to enjoy national ceremonies, songs and dances. A nice addition was the competition among students for the best treat. Despite the fact that it was gray, it was warm and comfortable under the dome of the yurt. The participants were satisfied with the fact that they were able to combine a pleasant and useful thing.

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