
The meeting of regional councils: we solve problems together

- Almaty Region
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The head of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty Yerlan Stambekov met in Taldykorgan with representatives of RCE and the Regional Council

Together with Stambekov arrived bloggers and activists of the environmental project "Alma kala". The meeting of two representatives of the regional councils - Almaty and Almaty region was held on the weekend.

The visit of the businessman to Semerechie was held for several reasons. One of them – the meeting with the head of a fitness club "Asar" for people with disabilities Eldos Bayalyshbaev. The sports center was opened in May of 2014. The project has received financial assistance from the state program "Road map of business-2020”. The club has created conditions not only for sport, but also for communication with equal ones. RCE actively supported and continues to support the project. Experts rendered legal advice, assisted in the development of a business plan. According to Deputy Director for Social Affairs of RCE Almagul Ongarbaeva, this is the first fitness club in the city for people with disabilities. "It should be noted that in Almaty region there are few social entrepreneurs. Eldos – is the only social entrepreneur in Taldykorgan, his project of the rehabilitation center "Asar" operates independently. It is self-sustaining and is actively developing", - added A.Ongarbaeva.

Young businessman said that people from all over Kazakhstan come to the fitness center, and in a short time managed to heal 30 people. Inspired by this result, Eldos plans to open a club in Almaty. "After I started working center, many people began to call, to write and to ask about possibility of creation of a fitness club in Almaty. With the support of caring people, a center will open there this year. We have already allocated a space of ​​250 square meters. I hope that everyone will be able to freely engage in the club", - he said.

We also learned that the businessman is the winner of the grant “Startup “Bolashak”. The construction of a facility for people with disabilities will start soon on the shore of Lake Alakol. The place for rest and health is designed for 12 wheelchairs.

The head of the Almaty delegation – the Chairman of the Regional Council Erlan Stambekov, in turn, wished success to the young businessman. "Eldos with your light hand let such places like in Taldykorgan spread all over the country. We support you and we are always ready to help you. Everyone who came here today, is your friend", - he said.

After that, representatives of the business community of the region together with the members of the fitness club planted 70 apple trees. Stambekov Erlan - is initiator and director of "Alma kala" project, whose goal is to plant apple trees in Almaty. Within the frames of this project, activists brought seedlingss of an apple variety “Sivers”.

"We learned that the campaign "Bak kala" started in Taldykorgan. We like this idea, as we for the third year we plant fruit trees in our yards in Almaty. We plant in order to return to our city the lost image of an apple city. Unfortunately, only the name is left, and the apples are gone. We have brought a symbol of our campaign - seedlings 'Sivers', from which originate all the apples in the world. Today we made a small alley, it is our gift to Taldykorgan. We want people to plant apples in order to turn our country into the garden", - said Stambekov.

Members of the Regional Council of Entrepreneurs of Almaty oblast not only actively participated in the campaign, but also were able to discuss the upcoming bilateral meeting at ICBC "Khorgos". "At the end of the month we are planning to hold a meeting of the Regional Councils of Almaty and Almaty region. At the "Khorgos" center will be discussed challenges and business solutions. We also consider our future plans for cooperation", - said the chairman of the Regional Council of Entrepreneurs of Almaty region Rimma Salykova.

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