
Activists join

- City of Astana
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The composition of the Council of Business Women of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana expands

At a meeting of the Council of Business Women were approved and unanimously supported the candidacy of new members - Saltanat Dzhenalina and Aizhan Mukataeva.

Saltanat Dzhenalina is a doctor by profession, she is married and has three children. A year ago, together with her husband, thanks to subsidies granted through the Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu", she opened a clinic where they currently provide services of dialysis to people with chronic renal failure.

Aizhan Mukataeva – is an economist, lawyer, she studied at the School of Public Policy and Management in Korea. She has Master degree in public policy. Currently, she is the director of LLP "Ingress". The company produces paper cups, cotton gloves, and also provides services in the field of construction and installation works.

"We are pleased to welcome new members of the Council of Business Women. We hope our cooperation will be successful", - said the chairman of the Council of Businesswomen of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Astana Bagila Bisembaeva.

During the meeting was held a discussion of the project of construction of kindergartens by the mechanism of public-private partnership. Members of the Council agreed to conduct outreach in their companies in order to attract business community and to promote PPP projects.

Members of the Council summed up the results of the campaign of promotion of labour trades among women, which was held on the eve of 8th of March. On the eve of the festival, the Council organized a series of publications in the "Journal of Women. East - West "about ordinary toilers of the capital. For the first time they were on the pages of a glossy magazine, of course, it was a wonderful gift for the International Women's Day. In addition, faces of those heroines were placed on the billboards in the capital for two weeks.

"I thank all the members of the Council of Business Women, who have managed to put this idea into practice. The campaign was a great success among readers. I believe that in the future we need to carry out similar activities, to increase the status of a toiler", - said a member of CBW, the chief editor of the magazine "Women. East - West" Karlygash Temirkhanova.

The meeting continued with a discussion of the preparation of programs and activities for the Victory Day and conduction of the "round table" on topical issues in the field of services. The members of the Council decided to establish a working group of three people in order to develop a detailed plan of care, delivery of gifts and other social campaigns in the framework of celebration of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as a working group that will prepare a "round table".

"The international exhibition "Expo-2017" is ahead. This is a unique opportunity to show the achievements of our country and Astana, the capital present in the international arena. Therefore it is very important that the services to be provided, consistent with international standards. And we need to identify bottlenecks and to eliminate them", - said Bagila Bisembaeva.

The Council of Business Women of the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana was held a year ago in order to provide practical assistance to novice businesswoman as well as stimulating economic activity among women entrepreneurs of the capital. Currently it consists of 24 business ladies. Under the auspices of CBW are held trainings, seminars, exchange of experience of professional business women on the most effective methods of economic development of regions, cities and businesses.

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