
Afghanistan always needs goods from Kazakhstan

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The Government of this Islamic country partially reduces tariffs on exports of certain goods from the Republic of Kazakhstan

Demand for the products of Kazakhstani production in Afghanistan remains high. This was announced today at a briefing at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to this country Omirtay Bitimov. Answering the question of, the diplomat noted that, according to recent data, the amount of trade turnover from Kazakhstan to Afghanistan is 239,2 million dollars. "We supply goods in the amount of 300 million and Afghanistan has small supplies to Kazakhstan, in the amount of 2-3 million dollars, because they didn’t use the reserves", - said O. Bitimov.

And appreciating the dynamics of trade, Ambassador stressed that Kazakh products were and still are in demand irrespective of the political situation in the Islamic Republic.

One of the main items of export to Afghanistan – is wheat. Afghan side is stimulated by the supply conditions.

"Afghanistan has reduced the tariff for the supply of Kazakh wheat by 5%", - said the diplomat.

Besides, Kazakhstan also supplies flour, sunflower oil, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals and metals - white and black plate, beans, fuel, lumber, metal and pasta. In turn, we import dried fruits, carpets, leather goods from Afghanistan.

"Budgetary funds are allocated for the purchase, some measures are taken in this direction. Minister of Agriculture of Afghanistan visited twice Kazakhstan, where agreement was reached on the reduction of tariffs for the supply of our products ", - stated A. Bitimov.

According to Mr. Ambassador, the Government of Kazakhstan also agreed to reduce railway tariffs specifically for transportation of grain and flour.

Meanwhile Omirtay Bitimov also spoke about the problems that arise in the export of goods between the two countries.

"The first, of course, is safety. Our suppliers are not quite aware of the situation. Recently, we held a business forum in Afghanistan.  A large group from a number of regions of Kazakhstan traveled to Kabul to open a trading house of Kazakhstan in Kabul. This opened up a lot more opportunities", ... - said the Ambassador.

Geographical location of Kazakhstan and Afghanistan affects the scale of trade.

"I would have been good to trade if we were closer. From a security standpoint it is good that we do not have borders, but in terms of trade it is bad that we do not have direct borders. There are a number of countries between our countries, it also requires coordination, transit passes, etc. ", - explained O. Bitimov.

Often Kazakhstani and Afghan participants of transactions experience basic distrust to each other, said O. Bitimov.

"Because our party requires 100% prepayment and Afghans fear. Unfortunately, there are cases of failure to fulfill these obligations, often on our part. But this is done not on purpose. Money is transferred and goods are loaded, while documents are prepared, the time passes, the market prices change. In addition, there are some other objective problems ", - concluded the Ambassador.

Zhanar Serdalina

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