
NCE is ready to participate in solving the strategic problems of the health system

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Extraordinary Congress of the Health Chamber was held in Astana

Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva, opening the Congress, spoke about interaction of NCE with industry associations in the framework of the program "Densaulyk".

"Since the beginning of 2016, NCE together with industry organizations managed to solve many problems. A number of proposals was adopted in the program "Densaulyk”, proposals on the implementation of pilot PPP projects, the transfer of the functions of accreditation of medical organizations in a competitive environment. NCE also insisted in conclusion of  long-term contracts with 7  domestic producers, 4 enterprises for the production of medical equipment, 5- companies for logistics services. Now 11 domestic enterprises plan to conclude new long term agreements. Thanks to the joint efforts of the Ministry of Health and the business community, we managed to increase the proportion of local content in the procurement of LLP "SK" Farmatseya" from 16 to 23% in monetary terms", ​​- she said.

Yakupbaeva also addressed issues of introduction of the mandatory health insurance system, the development of PPPs and other strategic areas of the healthcare industry. "On the basis of NCE was established a working group on the implementation and development of PPPs. We have already determined that the four pilot projects will be implemented: one for construction of PPP objects, the second - on the reconstruction and modernization, following the conclusion of the service contract and the transfer in trust ", - stated the deputy chairman of NCE.

"Another key question is introduction of the mandatory health insurance. The Ministry of Health in order to fully realize this task, must adopt 140 legal acts. We are planning to discuss all these RLAs at the site of "Atameken". Out of these, about 20 directly affect the business", - she said.

However, the deputy chairman of the Chamber stressed that the main issue in the field of public health - is, of course, improvement of the quality of medical services. "I believe that the issues of improving the quality of services, development of standards is the main task. I think that the National Health Chamber will be actively involved in all these issues as a strategic partner of NCE "Atameken". I am confident that together with our associations, we can solve all the problems posed by the head of state", - she said.

Yakupbaeva expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Health and Social Development for the fact that the proposals of NCE "Atameken" are always taken into consideration.

Chairman of the Board of the Chamber Kadir Omarov, in turn, urged the medical business community to join industry associations. "We have created to protect the legal entities, the first leaders and teams of medical organizations. We will transfer many functions to our professional associations through the Coordinating Council. How can an urologist give the highest category to a heart surgeon? Each professional association itself should regulate its specialists. Second, all medical specialists must be members of their associations. It's like that all over the world", - he said.

In addition, the current state of the Health Chamber and the ways of its strategic development for 2016-2019 years were analyzed at the Congress.

National Health Chamber - is the largest business community in the field of medicine, which has been operating since 2013. The Chamber is a voluntary association of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, whose primary purpose is to improve the health of the citizens of Kazakhstan. The organization aims at the formation of a competitive health care system. Members of the Chamber are more than 100 medical institutions in various fields and forms of ownership.

One of the main activities of the Chamber is collaboration with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken". Health Chamber is involved in various activities at the site of "Atameken", contributing to the work of the commissions of working groups, suggesting amendments to the regulations, governing the interests of the business environment in the field of public health.

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