
What specialists are required for ship owners and maritime transport?

- Mangistau Region
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Questions of training of marine specialists were discussed in Aktau with participation of heads of specialized universities and enterprises of maritime industry

The Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named Sh. Esenova Note Aktau is engaged in training for the maritime industry. The material and technical base of the University allows to prepare good specialists.

However, as it was noted by the provost Adilbek Botabekov, there is a number of problems, which currently do not allow for interaction of the education system and production enterprises at the appropriate level of.

"It is absence of orders from employers on training of specialists with specific qualifications, as well as the methodology for monitoring and evaluation of professional competence of experts needed for adjustment of standards and programs", - said Adilbek Botabekov.

The head of the unit of human capital development of the Regional Chamber of entrepreneurs Gulzhan Shaymerdenova is in solidarity with him. She also stressed the importance of joint efforts of production enterprises and educational institutions.

"A national model of education is introduced in Kazakhstan. Engineering and technical education is gradually moving to innovative training. The implementation of economic development programs depends on the qualitative composition of engineers and technicians who need to have a deep and comprehensive knowledge of technology, know how to use them effectively in the workplace. Therefore, universities are increasingly oriented to the requests of employers", - said the representative of RCE.

Representatives of the specialized enterprises noted the relevance of development of professional standards in training of qualified personnel for the maritime industry. They expressed their readiness to take an active part in solving the identified problems.

Following the meeting, it was decided to form on the basis of the Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Esenova a working group on the development of professional standards, describing the professional competence in the maritime industry in line with the levels of the National Qualifications Framework.

The university also signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Union of Transport of Kazakhstan "KAZLOGISTICS" and LLP "Eskertkіsh kyzmet Kazakhstan".

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