
Business knowledge - without limits!

- City of Astana
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About 200 people undergone training within the project "Business School" at the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana since the beginning of this year

Learning the basics of business activities is conducted at the course "Business Advisor" in the state and the Russian languages. The two-day training is praised by many residents of the capital. Among the audience are people of different ages and social categories, students of colleges and universities, academics and Ph.D. holders, retired people.

This time among the students were people with disabilities. Despite their hearing and vision problems, they do not remain on the sidelines as far as possible and try to have an active life. Thanks to the assistance of the businessman Emin Asgarov, listeners of the course were able to occupy themselves in the studio, which was founded by him, the social production unit “Green Tal” for the production of woven garments.

"We master the skill of weaving baskets, fruit plates, vases, - said the 26-year-old Farkhat Katrenov, who almost completely lost his sight. – We sell finished products".

In the future, Farkhat would like to become an entrepreneur. "I don’t want to live on one salary!", he says. The goal of Emin is to make children independent businessmen. Because he personally came to the Chamber of entrepreneurs of Astana and subscribed his apprentices to the course "Business Advisor".

For two days, a business coach Azamat Onaybaev opened for them the basics of entrepreneurship. According to him, he took into account the difference of the disabled participants, but at the same time he tried to engage then in group work together with other students. Inclusive approach has given good results. All were satisfied.

"It is very good positive experience! Information is necessary and useful. All information is concise and accurate. I'm sure in the future, this knowledge will be useful to us! "- Shared the opinion Akzhigit Abisheva.

She attended the course, accompanying her sister Zhuldyz, who has a hearing impairment. For a long time, she had the idea of ​​starting a business for the sake of Zhuldyz.

"At first I thought to provide consulting services, I am an accountant. But now I want to open a sewing workshop, as Zhuldyz is interested in sewing and could be occupied in it. During these two days, I am even more closer to the realization of my ideas. Because now I know that there are measures of state support of entrepreneurs. Some fears, insecurities are gone. And I think that having a well-developed business plan, confidence, and start-up capital, we can implement it ", - summed up the two days Akzhigit. The project "Business School" is implemented within the fourth direction of the Unified Program "Road map of business-2020" - "Enhancing entrepreneurial potential". The operator of non-financial support for development and doing business is the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken".

Training at business courses: "Business Advisor", "Business Growth" and "Project-based learning" is available to small and medium-sized businesses, operating in all sectors of the economy. It is absolutely free.

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