
Business women of Pavlodar region unite

- Pavlodar Region
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From now on in each district of the region will start to operate Councils of business women

Kachiry district of ​​Pavlodar region became the first one where was elected the chairman and created the Council. An individual entrepreneur Gulmira Nurkhanova became the chairman.

The head of the regional Council of Business Women Raykhangul Satabayeva arrived especially for the ceremony of her appointment to this important position.

"Today, women in business become very active. According to statistics, in our region, 29.5% of small and medium-sized enterprises headed by women, more than 46% of individual entrepreneurs – are women. This suggests that the businesswomen understand that it is necessary to strengthen their position, to move forward and to develop. The Council of Business Women facilitates it. Now, such Council will work in each region", - said Satabayeva.

Chairman of the Regional Council voiced achievements of the regional Council of Business Women.

According to her, during one year a lot of work has been done, in particular, members of the Council visited every district and got acquainted with the life of rural businesswomen, created a database of self-employed women in the region. Thus, the Council has the whole picture on the state of women's entrepreneurship in the region.

"With our support, which is provided to the novice women entrepreneurs, we have implemented a number of interesting projects. This production of knitwear, children's toys for the development of motor skills, opening of a children's development center, coffee shop, pastry shop, production of goat milk processing and much more. This work will be conducted in this direction on an ongoing basis. Our main task is to create favorable conditions for women in the region for free, unimpeded and full development and implementation of all planned projects", - stressed Satabayeva.

In turn Raykhangul Satabayeva wished success and fruitful work to the Council of Business Women of Kachiry district and pledged to provide continued support to the Regional Council.

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