
Lease period should be extended

- Mangistau Region
10043 просмотров

Rural akimat in Karakiyan district refused the entrepreneur to extend the lease term for a land plot until the Chamber of Entrepreneurs interfered in the process

The director of "ECOservice-Naftogaz" Sergei Abutalipov addressed to the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Mangistau oblast with a request to assist in the extension of the lease period of a land plot to place a facility for temporary storage of oil production waste and disposal of liquid and solid drilling waste.

Akimat in the village Zhetybai of Karakiyan district refused to renew the term for lease of a land plot of ​​6 hectares due to an unknown reason.

"It was only after our intervention that akimat of Karakiyan district approved the request of the entrepreneur, and akimat of Zhetybai ruled on the extension of the term of lease of land for LLP "ECOservice-Naftogaz", - said legal expert of the regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs Askhat Baibulatov.

Director of LLP "ECOservice-Neftegaz" S. Abutalipov thanked Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs for the elimination of administrative barriers.

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