
Success in defending the reputation of the businessman

- City of Almaty
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Lawyers of RCE protected the interests of an individual entrepreneur

On 14th of April 2016 an IE "Elra" addressed to Almaty Chamber of Entrepreneurs with a request for assistance due to unjustified claims of the partner.

 In the framework of public procurement the company "Elra" supplies wheels for wheelchairs to the city clinical hospital #7. According to the contract, the delivery time was on 25th of March 2016 (within 15 calendar days from the date of the contract). However, for compelling reasons, the goods have been delivered three days later, as the supplier has notified the customer in advance.

Delay of a product delivery became the basis for litigation. Municipal state enterprise "City Clinical Hospital #7” filed a lawsuit on the recognition of the potential supplier is an unscrupulous party of public procurement. It is worth noting this fact may lead to exclusion of the entrepreneur from the Register of members of public procurement for 2 years.

Moreover, on March 30, doctors conduct secondary procurement through an electronic selection of quotations, where IE “Elra” is recognized as the winner. Taught by bitter experience, the supplier has provided goods already before the appointed time, after 5 days. The goods have been supplied in full, but the customer didn’t sign yet the acts of completed works and didn’t make payment.

Legal expert of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, Lyazzat Akilzhanova twice participated in trials, representing the interests of IE "Elra". As a result, on 20th of April 2016 Almaty Economic Court left claims of MSE "City hospital #7" on the recognition of IE "Elra" as an unfair participant of public procurement without satisfaction. Chamber proved the innocence of the individual entrepreneur and the right of its further participation in public procurement.

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