
Bolat Palymbetov: "Business should be given an opportunity to work"

- Almaty Region
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Almaty region became the sixth region, to which the Commissioner for Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Bolat Palymbetov paid a working visit.

After meeting in the first place, with the leadership of the region, the Business Ombudsman drew attention of the regional authorities to the fact that the most problematic issues of entrepreneurs can be solved at the local level. In this regard, Bolat Palymbetov urged local executive bodies to facilitate resolution of business problems. In particular, the Commissioner for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs noted that in the regions entrepreneurs often face challenges in the field of construction, land relations, the budget legislation.

"Most of the problematic issues can be resolved on the spot, in the regions, not bringing them up to Astana. For example, when an entrepreneur comes with the project, state agencies do not give him permission, citing the fact that the project does not conform to the general plan. But this is not a secret document! Let us provide access to the general plan via Internet. I must say that a similar problem occurs in other regions of Kazakhstan - said the Business Ombudsman. - If a person wants to build, you need to support him. Construction is one of the sectors of the economy, which involves several enterprises. For example, if we start to build the house, then we involve sand quarry, cement and brick factories, painters and other workers. Business should be given an opportunity to work".

In response, the Deputy Akim of the region Turlashov assured that the Government will continue to work on creation of favorable conditions for businesses in the region.

Commissioner for the protection of the entrepreneurs' rights also met with the local business community. After listening to the problems of representatives of business circles of the region, Bolat Palymbetov urged them to participate actively in the discussion of important business laws.

"I want to emphasize that during the discussion of laws, you do not take part in it, and start to express your indignation only after the law was enacted. It is necessary to participate actively in such discussions, especially when it comes to entrepreneurship. It is necessary to cooperate closely with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, representatives of which are members of almost all working groups, operating in a particular ministry", - concluded Bolat Palymbetov.

Further, the director of the department of public monitoring and work with administrative barriers of NCE RK "Atameken" Erbol Ustemirov briefed the business community on the indicators of the Almaty region in an independent ranking "business climate". Positive dynamics can be observed in comparison with 2014, Almaty region rose by 5 positions and is on 11th place.

An assessment of the level of corruption was made by entrepreneurs  as part of the rating "business climate". According to this index in Almaty region the situation is very good, the area is among the three regions with the lowest level of corruption. An interesting detail: Almaty region is one of three outsiders on the ease of business environment, and the entrepreneurs themselves point out the low level of corruption. For comparison - the city of Almaty is one of three leaders in the creation of excellent conditions for business, and Almaty entered the top three most corrupt regions. Half of the respondents believe that the level of corruption in Almaty region has remained the same, 25% of respondents believe it increased, 26% of respondents said that the level of corruption has decreased", - summed up Erbol Ustemirov.

Director of the Department of Legal Protection of Entrepreneurs NCE RK "Atameken" Oleg Savelenko informed about the work that NCE does for the protection of rights of entrepreneurs. "It should be noted that to a large extent we managed to achieve positive resolution of accumulated appeals through collaboration with prosecutor’s office with which the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs signed a memorandum on the protection of entrepreneurs' rights. For example, in 2015 the prosecutor's office in return to the appeals of the Chamber of entrepreneurs on various state bodies made more than 170 acts of prosecutorial response, instituted 19 criminal cases, 39 officers were brought to administrative and disciplinary responsibility, 8 officials were dismissed from their posts", - said Savelenko .

In turn, the Chairman of the Council for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Almaty oblast Baniyamin Fayzullin shared the results of the work of RCE. "Within a line of business protection for the first quarter of this year, the Chamber of Entrepreneurs region received 117 applications for the protection of the rights. 46 were positively resolved. There were provided clarifications and assistance in preparation of legal documents for 83 appeals. During this period, were protected the rights of entrepreneurs in excess of 428.8 million tenge. For three years, 24 courts rulings in favor of entrepreneurs were made with the support of the Chamber", - he said.

At the end of the reporting meeting, Bolat Palymbetov held personal reception of entrepreneurs, some of these problems he intends to discuss at the meeting with the regional prosecutor.

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