
Women's contribution to the region's economy

- Kyzylorda Region
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17 projects with a total value of 56 342 million tenge, which were financed last year by the Regional Investment Centre, were launched by women entrepreneurs.

Head of the Secretariat of the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken", the chairwoman of the Council of Businesswomen of NCE RK Lazzat Ramazanov during a meeting with representatives of the regional business community thanked the regional businesswomen for their significant contribution to the development of the business sector. She also commented on the well coordinated work of the Regional Council of Businesswomen, where priority is to stimulate the economic activity of rural women.

Lazzat Ramazanova gave a positive assessment of the efforts to improve the skills of women entrepreneurs in the region. In particular the head of the Council of Businesswomen praised the partnership of RCE and Almaty Management University. As a result of joint cooperation qualified specialists of the University for 2 years on a monthly basis carry out free courses to improve the qualifications of businesswomen of Kyzylorda. The chairwoman of the regional Council of Businesswomen Zhanna Amanova and its member Aizhan Shegenova conduct on weekly basis free two-hour workshops for beginners as well as for existing entrepreneurs. The curricular includes such topics as of ABC business: how to start a business, the mechanisms for funding sources, particularly the development of business plans, marketing plans, etc.

In addition to training businesswomen, Council of Businesswomen escorts projects, develops business plans and prepares documents for grants. For example, currently, 7 projects are ready to take part in "DAMU" grants competition. 4 entrepreneurs from Kyzylorda, who have passed training courses, won the competition for improving the qualifications and now undergo free training at the University of Nazarbayev in Astana. In the future, we have the opportunity to take part in courses in Germany.

After the end of the meeting, the Chairwoman of the Council of Businesswomen of NCE RK Lazzat Ramazanova invited businesswoman of Kyzylorda to the II National Congress of Businesswomen, which will take place on 1st of June  in Astana.

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