
Viktor Khristenko: "The potential of Eurasian integration is not used until the end"

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Ex-Chairman of the Eurasian Economic Commission will head the Business Council of EAEU

The candidacy of Viktor Khristenko for the post of the President of the Business Council was approved today at the Council meeting in Astana. Such a decision of the members of the Business Council is dictated by the fact that Viktor Khristenko has considerable practical experience in the formation and development of the Eurasian integration, he was one of those who participated in the creation of the Eurasian Economic Commission and headed by the body. And, as it was pointed out during the presentation by the Chairman of the Presidium of the Business Council, head of NCE, Timur Kulibayev, "high qualification and competence of Viktor Khristenko, undoubtedly, will give an additional impetus for the development of cooperation between our countries in the framework of the existing areas".

"About 20 years of my work, I gave to the project of integration of the Eurasian space. I saw those gaps and untapped opportunities of integration, and with all efforts applied we have not been able to uncover its potential. We must confess it! Very often, especially in recent difficult economic times, some people see the causes of these difficulties in the integration. But it is clear that, if there was no integration, the consequences of the severe economic processes that are developing today, would have been worse", - said Viktor Khristenko at a briefing in Astana.

However, he agrees that during all these years we didn’t manage to unlock the potential of Eurasian integration.

"I always say that the problems faced by integration - this is the problem of not complete integration. We have something not completed, something we did not agree on and set aside for later. These unresolved issues create misinterpretation of the results of the integration process, which our countries are actively pursuing for many years ", - said Viktor Khristenko.

According to the newly elected President of the Business Council, a large part of the reason why we could not agree, and why there are these "islands of incomplete integration" is inconsistency of the position of national businesses of EAEU member states. "As a rule, business incurs loses in the first place, and this creates additional opportunities for the not very efficient administration by the authorities. And, perhaps, this is the first layer of the work that has to be "opened" and actively modifying the "white book of incomplete integration", which has to be finalized", - said Khristenko.

According to him, the EAEU Business Council will strengthen its work in adopting the position of the consolidation and improvement of supranational law in all spheres of its regulation.

"There are a lot of areas, and they are sensitive. These spheres, which for any business, especially for SMEs, are the subject of their every day existence. That is all that concerns foreign trade, customs administration, technical and sanitary regulations and much more. It is already on supranational level and it operates. An attempt to consolidate the position of the business and to act more actively in dialogue with supranational authorities in this part is absolutely timely, and I hope productive", - concluded Victor Khristenko.

He also assured that as the elected President of the Business Council of EAEU, he is ready to help all the integration processes, to act on the part of the business as a guide of its interests in the disclosure of the potential, to integrate and to improve the economic well-being of the EAEU.

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