
Farmers need water and stability

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The Mazhilis asked the Government to revise the rules of state support for domestic agricultural producers

On the one hand - the villagers promised financial support, and on the other - they risk to lose everything due to existing shortcomings. This was stated by Mazhilis deputy Gulnara Bizhanova today in the deputy address to the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan.

"At the present time, some legal rules governing the terms of use of agricultural land, can worsen the rights of bona fide land users", - said the deputy.

G. Bizhanova noted among problematic issues "the possibility of increasing up to 10 times of the basic tax rates on agricultural land not used as provided by land legislation".

This issue has become the most pressing one at the major meetings, which were held between deputies and agricultural producers  of Karaganda region. Many of them have in their use 200 hectares of land, grow fodder and vegetable crops, but they "do not have the opportunity to use the land for purpose referred to the category of irrigated". One of the main reasons for this - the lack of trunk pipelines from the water source to the fields. "There is a risk that the reason why farmers may go bankrupt due to the imminent application of the increased taxation, or they will be forced to return the land to the state", - said in a query G. Bizhanova.

In his opinion, urgent attention also "need issues of regulation of limited subsidies, water deficit, equal access to the forms of state support, training of rural entrepreneurs to innovative methods of doing business".

Another problem, "extremely disturbing growers", there  were named the changes to the rules of subsidizing for seed farming development. "Bizhanova recalled that in 2015, under the new rules, the agricultural producers have a right to acquire the seeds of the first reproduction only at a minimum rate, i.e. 5-6 kg per 1 hectare. "In practice, it is impossible to provide themselves with sufficient seeds at that rate. Many farmers are unable to buy seeds of first, second and third reproductions and completely cover the high demand for forage crops. To solve the problem, we propose to revise the amount of subsidies", - suggested the MP.

In addition, G. Bizhanova drew attention to "the distortions in the provision of state support for agriculture" because "now mainly up to 80% of the volume of various forms of state support is directed to several large agricultural holdings."

"The main condition for the forms of subsidies and benefits - is the use of energy-saving and new technologies. However, these costs can afford only large farms, while the main products in Kazakhstan from 40 to 60 per cent are produced by medium and small agricultural enterprises", - stated the deputy.

G. Bizhanova also proposed "to create opportunities for practical training in remote areas." The MP stressed that agricultural producers are "deprived of the opportunity to pass a short-term training of new innovative business practices without leaving a job".

Zhanar Serdalina

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