
Fee for thermal energy

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Anti-monopoly Authority is planning to make changes in the methodology for calculating tariffs for monopoly services

At the request of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" regarding charging of bills to the accounts of individual entrepreneurs for the consumed heat energy by tariffs referred to the group "other" users, to which are referred all legal entities, except for state-financed organizations, came a reply of the Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of competition of the Ministry of national economy.

As it was reported by the antitrust authority, according to the law "On Power", adopted in July 2004, the consumer - a natural or legal person who consumes electricity and (or) thermal energy on the basis of a contract, i.e., law divides thermal energy consumers into physical or legal bodies.

Thus, a physical person as an individual entrepreneur is engaged in business at an own or rented apartment, and there raises the question whether the apartment was removed from the housing stock or not. If the apartment is not taken out of the housing stock, its owner (a person who rents it) pays for heat supply at the rate set for the population. If an apartment was removed from housing stock, the owner of the premises (it does not matter – a physical or a legal body) concludes an individual contract with the heat supply organization and pays by heat supply tariff rate set for “other consumers”, regardless of the purposes for which the room is used. The amount of heat energy consumption is determined by agreement of the parties, but not less than the norm for heating of the house, if the premises were not subject to renovation. If, for example, was made glazing of the facade with an organization of a separate input, the amount of heat consumption is increased accordingly.

In addition, the Committee is working on developing the draft order to amend the procedure for calculation of tariffs or their limit levels for regulated services of natural monopolies on the supply of thermal energy, which will be sent to NCE for discussion and consideration by business entities.

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