
Tax revenues have decreased

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Collection of income and domestic taxes has affected the size of the state budget arrears

MPs of the Committee on Finance and Budget of the Mazhilis recorded a significant amount of the state budget arrears. By the condition on January 1, 2016 the arrears amounted to 85.3 billion tenge, the bulk of the arrears - 73.5 billion tenge (86.2%) accounted for income taxes and internal taxes, according to the explanatory note to the reports of the Government of Kazakhstan and the Accounts Committee for Control over execution of the republican budget on execution of the republican budget for 2015. These reports are under consideration at the plenary session of the lower chamber of the Parliament.

According to members of the relevant committees of the Mazhilis, revenue growth performance at 105.7% or 330.2 billion tenge was ensured "through the decrease of the level of the planned target revenue of the national budget to 6745 billion tenge at the level of initially declared revenues performances 91%".

According to the Audit Committee, in comparison with the year 2014 the amount of tax revenue decreased by 333.2 billion tenge, or 7.7%, but increased transfers to 529.2 billion tenge, or 7.3%, according to the note. Thus, the share of the national budget revenues excluding transfers to GDP decreased by 0.7% compared to 2014.

The Mazhilis noted that over fulfillment of the plan for collection of CIT- was influenced by the transition to a freely floating exchange rate of the dollar, as well as “advances on account” of payments for future periods. At the same time, according to MPs, the amount of additional CIT revenues in December 2015 amounted to more than 100 billion tenge. As of January 1, 2016 CIT overpayment amounted to 200.5 billion tenge, compared to more 54 billion tenge in the same period in 2015. There remains a significant amount of the arrears to the state budget, which amounted to 85.3 billion tenge as of 1 January 2016, the bulk of the arrears - 73.5 billion tenge falls on income and domestic taxes.

Reduced tax revenues - is the result of lack of effective tax and customs administration, it was stated in the explanatory note.

Zhanar Serdalina

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