
Timur Kulibayev: "Clear criteria for inspections will make the life of SMEs easier"

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The head of "Atameken" urged the Government to support the business community and to reduce the number of inspections and supervisory bodies in the country

Speaking at the III Congress of NCE RK "Atameken", the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE Timur Kulibayev noted that much has been done for "Atameken" to become a real dialogue platform between business and government at the central and regional levels.

"Today, the National Chamber of entrepreneurs has become an effective partner of the Government with which are discussed important regulatory issues and business development on a daily basis. I think that today, "Atameken", in fact, has become the home for all our businesses across the country", - said the head of "Atameken".

He noted the effective work together with the Government in terms of reductions of various types notifications. A law on the reduction of permits and notifications was adopted, as a result of which their number was reduced from 1115 to 310. And if an official wishes today to introduce a new permission or a notification, he will have to go through the whole string of hearings, through the Government and through the "sieve" of the Parliament.

Addressing to the Prime Minister Karim Massimov, Timur Kulibayev has offered to support the business community and to reduce the number of inspections and supervisory bodies in the country.

"We counted 61 controlling and supervisory authorities in the country, 45 of them - are central departments. Tax audits are quite disturbing for the business community. Similar issues arise in the construction industry, in environmental, sanitary, epidemiological and fire fighting spheres, that is it is necessary to create pre-trial appeals committee under each ministry, central authority to deal with them in the field. We do not take large-scale projects, they should be considered at the central level, and our clients are small and medium businesses. That is, if the local territorial divisions of ministries are improper operation, it is possible to solve these problems in pre-trial order at the ministry level, at the level of the working committee", - said the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK.

According to the statistics of "Atameken", from 12 thousand complaints of entrepreneurs, 4800 were resolved in favor of entrepreneurs. "This suggests that 42% of the actions of state bodies and supervisory authorities were incompetent. Can you imagine the level of our public servants?! Though, as they say, everything is done according to the law. We have a request Karim Kazhimhanovich, together with government agencies to conduct an audit and anti-corruption expertise of draft laws that allow to carry out such inspections, I believe that they can be reduced. As for sanitary and epidemiological requirements, there are 8000 of them, which enterprises engaged in food catering should observe. I think members of the Government will not have time to list 61 state bodies, which are engaged in inspections. I am sure that we will facilitate SME life, if we check them by obvious criteria by the final number of questions that they can reach. We ask the Government to support us in this matter and to make changes to legislation", - concluded the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK Timur Kulibayev.

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